Blind Item(Spotboye) – Singer’s Break Up – 25th Dec

This is the real reason why this singer- TV show judge broke up with her BF of 5 years! Can you guess the celebs Spotboye is talking about?
Blind Item(Spotboye) – Singer’s Break Up – 25th Dec

Spotboye has published a blind item about a singer’s break up with her BF, due to his affair with a married woman.

There have been news items about not one but two singers who broke up with their BF’s recently. While one broke up much earlier, another one broke up much recently. It is sickening to know how shamelessly people are cheating on their partners these days. This phenomenon is not restricted to Bollywood alone, even regular people are indulging in it. As far as the singers are concerned, we hope they find new partners soon. The singer whose BF cheated on her should be happy that she caught him before it was too late.

Blind Item

This singer’s break-up has been in the news, more so because of her emotional breakdown. Obviously, there is an inside story which led to things going downhill between the couple. It so happened that the man in question got involved with a married woman in her mid-30s. The singer got a whiff of it and her suspicions soon turned into some sort of confirmation. Goes without saying, cracks developed and matters snowballed into ugly proportions. The rest, as they say, is split.

Our Guess

Singer: Neha Kakkar
BF: Himansh Kohli