Fitness Hacks You Need in Your Life

Fitness always makes a place in our resolutions list every new year. But most of us usually come up with a ton of excuses for breaking all fitness resolutions, and believe me; we are all a little guilty of that in our hearts! Our body needs a proper diet, adequate physical and mental exercises, and a healthy environment to keep fit. We have the power to change the way our body looks from the outside and feels from the inside. But alas! We are always looking for shortcuts in everything in life. Again, guilty!
Since most of us are actually too busy to spend time maintaining fitness, shortcuts seem to be perfect for us. Fitness must not be a long and tedious process, which bores a person and makes them want to avoid it. It must be easy and have an element of fun in it so that people remain dedicated to it.
Given below are some easy fitness hacks that you can use in your day-to-day life. These do not require much effort or time. Yes, that sounds amazing! Check out the list below if you are a potential fitness freak, who is just too busy (or lazy) to stick to a strict fitness regime.
- Monitor your steps-
As all fitness experts say, walking is the best and the easiest form of exercise. The ideal number of steps required by the average human body is at least 10,000. Tracking your steps throughout the day is an extremely easy job today. You just need to install a pedometer application on your smartphone, which will keep recording your steps throughout the day. One can also go for a fitness tracker, to track the number of steps, plus some other small but significant details. Start with a small goal and keep increasing the steps gradually.
- Always take the stairs-
We always tend to look for the lift even if the stairs are right in front of us! This is a tough habit to change, but is not impossible, and brings the greatest health benefits to your body. It is quite unbelievable that such a small habit can make such a great difference to our fitness. Taking the stairs is not just beneficial for your calves, hips, and quads, but it is also beneficial for cardio. It is basically the easiest way to maintain your fitness, and doesn’t require any special training, and is also free!
- Sleep in your workout clothes-
Most people miss their morning workout or gym session because they feel lazy to get out of their bed in the morning. An effective way of overcoming this laziness is wearing your workout clothes to the gym the previous night. This way, one kind of feels motivated to get up and start with their workout, since they are already dressed for the activity. This hack also helps people who are busy and cannot afford to lose much time on their workout. Wearing workout clothes to sleep saves a lot of time and also works at a psychological level to prevent people from making excuses to cancel working out or going for a run.
- Use incentives
This one is another psychological hack that may work for some. People use incentives, like money to motivate themselves to work out or to lose weight; whatever may their fitness goal be. All they need to do is add a certain amount of money to a jar every time they workout. This motivates the person to work harder and save more money, which ultimately can be spent on a coveted item, once the person loses a desired amount of weight. This hack may seem unhelpful at the beginning, but once you motivate yourself to think about the long term benefits you are offering to your body, this hack turns out to be pretty useful.
- 10-minute plan
Most people are too busy to work out for even an hour, while some people are simply lazy. To convince oneself to stick to a workout plan, one must start with small commitments. An ideal way to do so is to make a 10-minute workout plan, where, one only needs to work out for 10 minutes a day. If you are too busy to go to the gym, this 10-minute workout plan will offer you the required physical activity at any time of the day you feel. Mostly, people continue for longer than 10 minutes once they start exercising. This proves that we often just make excuses in our heads about being busy because we are too lazy to start the workout!
These were 5 fitness hacks that you can apply in your daily life, which will not just make you fit but will also help you commit to a certain routine.