Guess Who – This Young Star Quit Under Pressure

DNA has published a blind item about a young star who quit a south remake under pressure from a big shot producer.
After being in the news for alleged linkups, this star has been in the news for backing out of a project. The project is a remake of a south indian hit. The script for tailor made for him. He would have done well in it. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be. He has tasted success recently & his star is on the rise. He has bollywood’s biggest producer on his side. He has a lot to look forward & missing out on this movie is nothing but a small hiccup.
This isn’t the first instance where a star backed out of a project due to external pressure. A female star too had to back out of a project due to her mentor’s insistence. Such things are common in the corporate world as well as bollywood.
Blind Item
A certain star recently opted out of the hindi remake of a south hit. While the lead actor’s exit is reportedly attributed to him changing his mind at the nth hour, our source says this is hogwash. It seems the villain here is the production house boss, who is financing several other films starring this actor. Since he has a cold war going on with the guy producing this remake, he gave the actor an ultimatum; asking him to quit the film if he wanted good working relations with him. So the actor became bakra & gave in.
Our Guess
Star: Kartik Aaryan
Movie: Kirik Party Remake
Production House Boss: Karan Johar
Producer: Dheeraj Wadhwan