Top 10 Weirdest Guinness World Records Ever Till 2022

Guinness World Records is one of the top records in the world. They are eye-openers but some of them are funny and weird records that are jaw-dropping. Let’s discuss and find out more about them:
Being Pulled By A Horse While On Fire
From Austria, Josef Tödtling was the one who set an extreme Guinness World record of being pulled by a horse while his body was flaming on fire. He covered the longest distance of 500 metres when performing the act.
Longest Tongue
Nick Stoeberl from California sets the record for having the longest tongue measuring 10.10 cm. He is also known as “The Lick”.
Most Telephone Directories Torn in One Minute (Female)
Linsey Linderberg holds the record for the most telephone directories torn by a female in a minute. She tore 5 telephone directories that are each over 1,000 pages. She is also known for crushing fruits with her bicep, bending metal bars, and breaking metal chains with her super strong body.
Most Body Modifications (Female)
Maria Jose Cristerna from Mexico is known to set this weird record as she has a total of 49 body modifications, the most body modifications on a female body ever seen and recorded. Maria is also popular as ‘The Mexican Vampire Lady.’
Most Cosmetic Procedures
Have you wondered how much you could spend on cosmetic procedures from your account? Cindy Jackson has set a world record for spending a whopping US$99,600 on cosmetic procedures that including 47 cosmetic procedures.
Longest Fingernails
Many girls are fond of elongating their nails. But are you aware that long nails can actually help you in setting a world record? Lee Redmond from America took 30 years to grow her nails out 28 feet and 4 inches long and made the Guinness World Record.
Fastest Typing With The Nose
Vinod Kumar Chaudhary from New Delhi is known for setting a record for fastest typing with the nose. He typed 103 characters in 46.30 seconds on December 22, 2014.
Most Toothpicks in a Beard
This weird record was set by Joel Strasser from the US. It took him three hours and 13 minutes to put all 3,500 toothpicks in his beard.
Tricks Performed By a Pig In One Minute
Joy Bleeker and her owner, Dawn Bleeker from the US, achieved this record on January 16, 2018.
The parrot opened the most number of cans in one minute
It might sound stupid and impossible at the same time but, Zac the Macaw set the world record for opening 35 cans in one minute in 2012 in San Jose.