OI Original: Gay TV Star Is Unable To Find Work

This gay TV star is unable to find work due to his mannerisms. Can you guess the celeb we are talking about?
OI Original: Gay TV Star Is Unable To Find Work

This gay TV star is unable to find work & is depressed.

As per one of our sources, a gay TV star we spoke about earlier is unable to find work. The TV show makers find him to be pansy for male roles. His mannerisms come across as feminine & more or less, everyone knows that he is gay. Considering that TV soap audiences are mainly from conservative rural India, gay actors are not a sought after lot.

Hollywood too was not comfortable with casting pansy actors for the longest time. It is only a few years back that roles specifically for gay men or lesbians were written & were approved by the producers. Bollywood still has a long way to go before its gays, lesbians find acceptance.

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