Bollywood Blind Item: Two Outsiders Are Giving Star Kids Sleepless Nights


As per sources, these two actresses - both of them outsiders have producers queuing up outside their homes waiting to sign them. One of them had a breakout role in a movie which released sometime back. She had barely a 10-minute role in the movie, but ended up getting more attention than the lead heroine! The other one is not a big star in Bollywood but is enjoying tremendous success down South. This success has led to these two getting movie projects that would have otherwise gone to three-star kid actresses. It would be an exaggeration to say that these star kids lack talent. But the two outsider actresses are considered to be a big threat to these three-star kids. The star kids are feeling insecure & this has led to their PR teams being overactive in finding & planting dirt on the two outsiders.

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Star kids never have the hunger & drive that outsiders seem to have in abundance. Star kids lead a cushy life. But they know that in order to maintain their million-dollar lifestyles they need to continue to earn big. They can demand multi-million dollar acting fees only if their movies succeed & the audiences love them. If they deliver a string of flops then their career can come to an abrupt end. They will get more chances than outsiders, but they know that it is a business. They need to bag projects made by top filmmakers or else their chances of success take a hit. Outsiders lack the contacts but make up for their shortcomings with zeal & hunger for success.

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