Bollywood Blind Items: Actress Breaks Up With Star Kid BF


The whole nation was shocked when a popular actress who mainly features in South Indian movies divorced her star-kid husband. They were after all a much-loved couple who even starred in a successful movie together. As per a source, it was the star kid actor's superstar father & mother's interference in his wife's career which led to friction between them. It was sometime during their separation that the star kid actor started an affair with a hot actress who became a household name after starring in a web series on a major streaming platform. She has since been seen in South Indian movies & Hindi web series. Turns out the star kid's superstar father & mother were interfering in her career as well. This has led to their breakup. 

Families interfering in the careers of GF's/ wives of their actor sons is not new. Even Bollywood is replete with such cases. While the actresses put up with it thanks to the big names & stature of the families involved, they eventually get fed up. Today's female stars are no lesser than their male counterparts. Gone are the days when they had a short-lived career & were paid way lesser than the male stars. Marriage and childbirth are no longer career-enders. The parents of the star kid should stop interfering in the lives of his son's beaus if they want him to be happy.

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