What Are The 12 names of hanuman

What Are The 12 names of hanuman

This chant celebrates Lord Hanuman, a central figure in Hinduism. Known for his immense strength, unwavering devotion, and heroic deeds, Hanuman is a source of inspiration for many. By reciting this chant, devotees aim to connect with his powerful energy and embody his virtues.

The Chant and its Meanings

The chant unfolds in three verses, each praising Hanuman with four names and their corresponding meanings:

Verse 1

Jai Hanuman: Victory to Hanuman!
Jai Anjani Suta: Victory to the son of Anjana, the monkey queen.
Jai Pavanaputra: Victory to the son of Vayu, the god of wind.
Jai Mahabala: Victory to the immensely strong one.

Verse 2

Jai Raameshta: Victory to the devoted follower of Lord Rama.
Jai Phaalguna Sakha: Victory to the friend of Arjuna, the great warrior.
Jai Pingaaksh: Victory to the one with reddish-brown eyes.
Jai Amita Vikram: Victory to the one with boundless courage.

Verse 3

Jai Udaadhikraman: Victory to the one who crossed the ocean (referring to his legendary leap to Lanka).
Jai Seeta Shokavinaashana: Victory to the one who alleviated Sita's sorrow (by finding her in Lanka).
Jai Lakshman Praanadaata: Victory to the one who revived Lakshmana (with the Sanjivani herb).
Jai Dashagreeva Darpaha: Victory to the one who destroyed the arrogance of the ten-headed Ravana.
Exploring the Stories Behind the Names

Each name in the chant is linked to a specific story from Hanuman's rich mythology. These stories highlight his:

Devotion: His unwavering dedication to Lord Rama.
Strength: His immense physical and mental prowess.
Heroic Deeds: His legendary feats like leaping across the ocean and reviving Lakshmana.
Variations and Benefits of the Chant

The 12 Names of Hanuman can also be known by other names like Anjani Suta Mantra, Raameshta Mantra, or Pingaaksh Mantra. Each line itself can be considered a mini-mantra focusing on a specific aspect of Hanuman. Regardless of the variation, the core meaning remains the same: to praise and connect with Hanuman's powerful essence.

Benefits associated with chanting this mantra include:

Dispelling negativity and promoting inner peace.
Strengthening the mind and fostering courage.
Providing a sense of security and protection.
This chant offers a way for devotees to connect with the powerful deity, Lord Hanuman, and his enduring legacy.