What Is The Relationship Between Philosophy & Education


Philosophy and Education are two different important disciplines, but very closely related to each other for several reasons. According to the changing condition, education develops a person whereas Philosophy deals with various ideas. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between Philosophy and Education. 

  • Education and Philosophy are dynamic disciplines- Both of these disciplines are dynamic which means they keep on changing and are not static. 
  • Education is the dynamic side of Philosophy- This means that the practical aspect of Philosophy is education as all the philosophical thoughts are put into practice with the help of education. 
  • Philosophers are Educationist - Both of these disciplines are like the two sides of the same coin, as they are based on critical inquiry, ideology, and wisdom. 
  • Education is dependent on Philosophy- It is because Philosophy has an important impact on how we feel towards education and, it is also the practical means by which we express a philosophical idea. So, both of these disciplines are dependent on each other. 
  • Both the disciplines involve Theory- There are a lot of theories in both of these disciplines which makes a student more broad-minded and wise. 
  • Various aspects of education such as the textbooks, disciplines, and curriculum are determined by Philosophy. 
  • Education is more focused on the transmission of knowledge through different generations whereas the study regarding the fundamental nature of knowledge and reality is done in Philosophy. 
  • Through education new thinking develops and many new philosophies are also born out of this thinking and analyzing process. This also shows the dependency of both disciplines on each other. 
  • Philosophy has a significant influence on education. Both of these disciplines are very integrally related to each other. 
  • The real distance education has to go is also determined by education.

So, the above-mentioned points clarify the relationship between Philosophy and education.