Fury Movie Director, Actor, Cast and Crew
"Fury" is a 2014 American war film that was written, directed, and co-produced by David Ayer. The movie stars Brad Pitt alongside Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, and Jon Bernthal, portraying members of an American tank crew fighting in Nazi Germany during the final weeks of World War II's European theater. Ayer was inspired by his family's military background and by reading books like Belton Y. Cooper's Death Traps, a 1998 memoir that highlights the high casualty rates suffered by American tank crews in battles against better-equipped German forces.
Filming for Fury began in Britain in early September 2013, with initial scenes shot in Hertfordshire, followed by the main production in Oxfordshire starting on September 30, 2013. Additional scenes were filmed in Oxford and other locations, with the production wrapping up on November 13, 2013. The film was released on October 17, 2014, receiving generally positive reviews and grossing $211 million globally.
In April 1945, as the Western Allies invade Germany, they face strong resistance. Don "Wardaddy" Collier, a battle-hardened staff sergeant in the U.S. 2nd Armored Division, leads a tank crew consisting of gunner Boyd "Bible" Swan, loader Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis, driver Trini "Gordo" Garcia, and assistant driver/bow gunner "Red." The crew has been together since the North African campaign. After Red is killed in action, he is replaced by Private First Class Norman Ellison, a young typist with no combat experience.
As Fury advances deeper into Germany, the crew becomes frustrated with Norman's inexperience and reluctance to engage in violence. During a tank convoy, Norman spots but fails to fire on a group of hidden Hitler Youth soldiers, who then ambush the column, destroying the lead tank and killing its crew. Don takes command of the convoy. Later, during a battle, Norman hesitates under fire, and after the fight, Don forces him to execute a captured German soldier, traumatizing Norman.
After capturing the small town of Kirchohsen, Don and Norman search an apartment and find two German women, Irma and her younger cousin Emma, in hiding. Don offers them supplies, and the women prepare a meal, also providing hot water for Don to shave. As they begin to bond, Norman and Emma have a brief romantic encounter, encouraged by Don. However, the crew's arrival disrupts the moment, leading to tension and a standoff with Don. The crew is soon called away on an important mission, and as they leave, German artillery strikes the town, killing Emma and causing Norman to break down.
The tank crews are ordered to hold a crucial crossroads to protect the division's vulnerable rear lines. On the way, a lone German Tiger I tank ambushes and destroys the other three American tanks before Fury finally takes it down. However, Fury's radio is damaged in the battle, preventing Don from calling for reinforcements. Don decides that they must complete the mission alone. When they reach the crossroads, Fury is immobilized by a landmine. While the tank is being repaired, Norman scouts a nearby hill and spots a unit of Waffen-SS troops approaching. Don refuses to retreat, insisting on holding the position, and the crew reluctantly decides to stay with him.
The crew camouflages Fury to make it appear destroyed and waits inside. As they prepare for their final stand, Norman earns the nickname "Machine," signifying the crew's acceptance of him. They ambush the Germans, inflicting heavy casualties. In the ensuing battle, Grady is killed by a Panzerfaust, Gordo sacrifices himself by covering a grenade with his body, and Bible is shot by a sniper. Don is wounded and retreats into the tank. Surrounded and out of ammunition, Norman considers surrendering, but Don tells him to escape through the floor hatch just before the Germans drop explosives into the tank, killing Don. Norman hides under the tank, where a young Waffen-SS soldier spots him but chooses not to alert the others.
The next morning, Norman crawls back into the tank, mourns Don's death, and covers his body with his coat, taking Don's pistol. He is eventually rescued by a group of American soldiers, who hail him as a hero. As he is driven away in an ambulance, he looks back at Fury, surrounded by the bodies of hundreds of dead Waffen-SS soldiers.
- Brad Pitt as Don "Wardaddy" Collier (tank commander)
- Shia LaBeouf as Boyd "Bible" Swan (tank gunner)
- Logan Lerman as Norman "Machine" Ellison (tank assistant driver/bow gunner)
- Michael Peña as Trini "Gordo" Garcia (tank driver)
- Jon Bernthal as Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis (tank loader)
- Jason Isaacs as Captain Waggoner
- Brad Henke as Sergeant Davis
- Jim Parrack as Sergeant Binkowski
- Xavier Samuel as Lieutenant Parker
- Scott Eastwood as Sergeant Miles
- Kevin Vance as Sergeant Peterson
- Anamaria Marinca as Irma
- Alicia von Rittberg as Emma