Guess Who: This Production House Has Nixed Three Ventures

This production house has nixed three of its big-budget ventures due to losses. Can you guess the celebs Mumbai Mirror is talking about?

Mumbai Mirror has published a blind item about a major production house nixing three of its big budget projects

This filmmaker was born to a producer father. He was the only child. His father spoilt him silly by fulfilling each & every wish. He has never been asked to live on a budget. As a kid his father would buy anything he wanted. His father had spent a huge sum for his admission into fashion school abroad & didn’t blink an eye when he told his father a day before he was supposed to depart about his filmmaking dreams. His father not only lost the money paid to fashion school, but also spent crores for producing his first movie. The movie went on to become a blockbuster, & the filmmaker is now one of the most powerful people in the industry.

Shortly after his father died, he asked his childhood buddy to join him, help him run his production house. They are constantly fighting over the filmmaker’s spending ways. He can’t stop himself from buying clothes, shoes, etc & ends up spending a bomb on them. He is a shopaholic. He has no idea what it is live on a budget. While his movies have made tons of money, he is still not as rich as people think he is.

While all his spending was compensated by the huge profits his movies made all these years, the past few years have been made things difficult. With many of his movies flopping & no sign of him going easy on his spending habits, his production house is in trouble.

He has spent his career pulling down other people, picking holes in other celebs. Bollywood won’t be kind to him if he falls. But a few hits will be all that it takes to help him get out of this crisis. Hope he stops spending like a maniac.

Blind Item

A well-known production house, whose antics are followed both by the industry and the audience, is on a shelving spree. We hear it has called off three of its biggest ventures that were to be rolled out this year. The studio would like us to believe that coronavirus has forced it to re-strategize. But the real picture is that it has been sinking for the past couple of years, and Covid-19 is a cop-out

Our Guess

Production House: Dharma

Movies: Takht, Mr.Lele & Dostana2

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