Guess Who: Young Actor & GF Fight Over His ‘Likes’

This young actor’s & his actress GF fight over him liking another star’s posts As per a tabloid, a young

This young actor’s & his actress GF fight over him liking another star’s posts

As per a tabloid, a young actor liking the pics of his co-star has led to friction between him & his gorgeous actress GF. He has been swearing that it is just to promote his upcoming film which has her as the female lead. The conscious coupling of movie stars is the oldest trick in the hat. The tabloid then asks whether there to more to it than meets the eye.

Since the moment we posted on our Instagram feed about this young actor’s closeness to his co-star we have been bombarded with DM’s from fans of the actor & his GF about it being fake. On the other fans of the actor’s co-star have been insisting that the actor & his co-star have been living in for quite some time. They shared pics of the co-star wearing the actor’s hoodie & his t-shirts. They even pointed out the similar backgrounds during their live video sessions on social media.

As per this blind item, the young actor & his actress GF are still together. We wonder why he & his sister were unfollowed by her out of nowhere. She has been chilling at a beach destination.

We thin the co-star being spotted with the young actor’s hoodie & t-shirt is no coincidence. How else can you explain it happening so frequently? She has been doing it to create a buzz around their movie.

Can you guess the celebs we are talking about? Please drop a comment or DM us on Instagram/Twitter.

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