OI Original: Entitled Star Kid DM’s Women To Sleep With Him

This entitled star kid DM’s women to sleep with him.
As per an entertainment journo, this star kid – who is a flop star DM’s struggling actors, models, bloggers, etc & openly asks them to sleep with him. He believes that women have to sleep with him as he comes from a famous family. He in fact, feels angry when these women refuse to sleep with him.
As per the journo, he is one among three siblings from a famous film family. We personally can’t stand one of his actor siblings. These star kids born to a successful father would have been nowhere had it not been for their father. Truth is that none of the kids are respected for their craft. But two out of the three siblings have managed to make a mark. One among them is highly opinionated & regularly shoots her mouth off on social media, for which she gets heavily trolled.
While the bollywood nepotism debate lacks merit, star kids like these makes us doubt our opinions. We hope this star kid gets outed & is taught how to treat women.
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