The Fame Game ending explained

The Fame Game: A Netflix series exploring the dark side of fame, family, and deception

Caution: The following contains spoilers. Please proceed only if you have finished watching the show.

The article is about The Fame Game, a  Netflix series that revolves around the disappearance of Anamika Anand, a 90’s silver screen icon, and her curated public persona that begins to unravel. The series is a thriller that keeps viewers guessing until the very end.

The characters in The Fame Game are complex and ripe with motive. Anamika's husband, Nikhil, is abusive and has bankrupted the family. Her mother forced her into acting and made her sleep her way into films. Her former and current lover, Manish Khanna, is a co-star who could be a suspect. Billy, her make-up artist and confident, is revealed to be the paparazzi leak all along. Madhav, her deranged stalker with a heart of gold, is another character with motive. Detective Shobha Trivedi is one of the few decently written LGBTQIA+ characters in an Indian series and begins to poke and prod with little regard for or delight at having a Bollywood-linked case.

The ending of The Fame Game is a surprise to viewers. Anamika staged the whole disappearance herself for publicity. She enlists an old, out-of-work painter to 'kidnap' her and look after her, hiding her in a shanty on Nikhil's property. She stages an escape, bloodshed, a phone call to her daughter that's interrupted by a struggle with the painter. All while her family and friends are terrified that she's possibly lying dead in a ditch somewhere. And, you know, the lover she did most of this for has succumbed to the worst inner workings of his bipolar disorder and killed himself–after confessing to killing her.

The other twist in The Fame Game is Amara, Anamika's daughter. Amara walks into Anamika's hideout, looking far better dressed than we've seen her all season. She locks her mother in and bribes the old painter to keep her in there–and possibly kill her. Amara arrives at the premiere of her mother's film and lets her father announce her first film ever–to an audience that's gathered there for her mother. We see, in the final minutes of the season, Amara employing all the tools her mother told her she'd need to be a great actor. 'Stay mysterious, let them chase you,' 'Let them see you be vulnerable,' 'Let them watch you react in the wake of tragedy.' And of course...

The Fame Game is a thrilling and complex series that keeps viewers guessing until the very end. The characters are intricate, and the plot twists are surprising. The series also touches on themes such as abuse, sexuality, and the darker side of fame. It is an excellent addition to Netflix's library and worth a watch for anyone who loves a good thriller.