This Is What Taapsee Pannu Revealed About The Dark Side Of Bollywood In Her Recent Chat!!!

Taapsee Pannu Acknowledges the Dark Side of Bollywood: A Candid Perspective


In a recent conversation, Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu fearlessly shed light on the dark side of the film industry, exposing the existence of camps, favoritism, and biases within Bollywood. Despite her lack of belonging to any influential camps or having a godfather in the industry, Pannu has managed to carve a niche for herself over the past decade. With her insightful revelations, she provides an honest and refreshing perspective on the unfair nature of the industry and her experience in navigating through its challenges.

Recognizing the Dark Side

When asked about the prevalence of camps and favoritism in Bollywood, Pannu acknowledged their existence, emphasizing that they have been a part of the industry for a long time. She explained that camps can form based on an actor's friend circle, association with a particular agency or group, and loyalties among individuals. Rather than harboring grudges or blaming the industry for its bias towards outsiders, Pannu maintains that everyone has the right to choose the people they want to work with in their films, as they consider their own career aspirations.

The Unfair Nature of the Industry

Pannu admits that as an outsider, she is in a constant battle to stay relevant within the film industry. She does not allow these challenges to make her a bitter person because she has always been aware of the unfair nature of the industry. From the beginning, she understood that biases and favoritism would be prevalent, and instead of complaining about it, she chose to accept it as part of the game. Pannu believes that if individuals decide to be a part of the industry despite the odds stacked against them, it is their choice, and they should not complain about it later.

A Broader Perspective

Pannu goes beyond the realm of Bollywood, stating that camps and favoritism exist in various professions, apart from perhaps sports, to some extent. She emphasizes that in industries where results are fair and proportional to one's talent, luck does not play a significant role. By sharing this viewpoint, Pannu highlights that the challenges she faces are not exclusive to Bollywood but can be found in different walks of life.


Taapsee Pannu's candid revelations about the dark side of Bollywood provide a refreshing perspective on the industry. By acknowledging the existence of camps, favoritism, and biases, she exhibits a deep understanding of the unfair nature of showbiz. Pannu's decision not to harbor grudges or blame the industry for its inherent biases is commendable, as she recognizes that everyone has the right to make choices based on their own career aspirations. Her insightful comments remind us that unfairness can exist in any profession to some extent, and success should ultimately be a reflection of one's talent and hard work.