This Is Why Salman Khan Is Winning Hearts On The Internet!!

Salman Khan won over hearts on the internet once more when he honored his vow to meet 9-year-old Jaganbeer, a fan who had battled cancer for five years.
One of Bollywood's most well-known stars is Salman Khan. He is well-known for his charitable endeavors in addition to his acting career. After overcoming cancer, the actor fulfilled his pledge to meet his nine-year-old fan, Jaganbeer, once again demonstrating his heroic heart. When the Tiger 3 star was four years old and receiving chemotherapy at the Tata Memorial Centre in Mumbai in 2018, they first had a chance encounter.


Salman Khan, the beloved actor, honoured his promise to see his little fan in December of last year at his Bandra home. The fan had battled cancer and had undergone nine rounds of chemotherapy and four rounds of radiation. Salman's team kept in touch with Sukhbir Kaur, the young boy's mother, and even arranged for the reunion, she told the Indian Express at these milestones. The reconnection, he disclosed, "was a testament to my son's battles with cancer and vision impairment, as well as a happy occasion for me."
Responses from fans to the actor's gesture
Many people were moved by the actor's sincere gesture. "Man with a golden heart," one admirer wrote in the comments, and "Proud to be your fan, Salman Khan," another fan remarked.
During the interview, Sukhbir Kaur, Jaganbeer's mother, disclosed that her son lost his vision as a result of a malignant tumour the size of a coin pressing on a nerve in his forehead. It was advised that the family bring the child to Mumbai or Delhi for medical attention. Concerned about his son’s health, his family decided to transport him to Mumbai, meanwhile, the young one assumed he was heading on to visit the superstar.


We made the decision not to tell him the truth after observing his enthusiasm at finally meeting Salman. We were concerned that he would become afraid, which might worsen his condition. We would keep promising him a visit from Salman even after he was confined to the hospital, she claimed.
The mother of the child claims that the actor's team was contacted and a video was created in collaboration with the Improving Paediatric Cancer Care and Treatment (ImPaCCT) Foundation and NGO Anjeze Charitable Trust. The actor astonished the family when he showed up to meet their son, despite their misgivings about the celebrity visiting "common people" like them. Oddly enough, Jaganbeer believed his parents to be lying.


He felt the actor's shoulders and face, but he wasn't sure. Salman tried to convince him too, but he was still not convinced. Subsequently, Jaganbeer made contact with Salman's bracelet, which he consistently dons. The mother said that "he laughed so hard because he was so excited.”
She continued by telling the news portal that Jaganbeer had received chemotherapy the day before. His body ached all over and he felt weak. Jaganbeer, who was in pain and agitated, stated he wanted the star to scratch his shoulders and back when Salman questioned him about his wish. Salman gave him advice to persevere based on his condition and assured him that they would cross paths again if he did so.