Top 10 Largest Insects In The World


Meganisoptera, a drag-like bug, is the largest insect that ever existed. They lived around 317 to 247 years ago. Since the Paleozoic era, none of the insects have reached the size of massive griffin flies. In this article, we will talk about the top 10 largest Insects in the world. 

  1. Titan Beetles- The size of the Titan Beetles is about 6.6 inches long and is also among the largest beetles in the world. This beetle also has mandibles that can easily snap a pencil in half. It can rip into human flesh. This type of beetle can be found in the rainforest of the north-forest of Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and many more.
  2. Stick Insect- The stick insect is the longest insect on the planet and is also among the members of the order Phasmatodea. They are also known as walking sticks. They are about 1 foot long and also have a life span of approximately three years.
  3. Giant Wetas- Giant Wetas are also known as the genus Deinacrida. They usually grow up to a height of 4 inches and their weight is around 1.2 ounces. They are also among the heaviest insects in the world. 
  4. Goliath Beetles- Goliath Beetles are also among the largest insects in the world. They are found in Africa, and usually have a height of around 4 inches and weight is around 2 ounces. 
  5. Atlas Moths- It is considered the world's largest moth in the world. The wings of these insects are also among the largest insects in the world. Their larvae are also enormous, and their length is about 5 inches and weight is around 2 ounces. 
  6. Tarantula Hawks- Tarantula Hawks are the largest wasps on the earth. They were large and ferocious. their length is around 2.7 inches and their wingspan is around 4.5 inches. 
  7. Mydas Flies- Mydas flies are the largest flies in the world. Their length is around 2.4 inches. The one species of this family is Gauromydas heros, which is the largest species to fly on the earth. 
  8. Hercules Beetles- It is the longest species of Beetle on Earth. Their extreme length is the result of the massive horns they have. Their body width ranges from 1.1 to 1.7 inches. 
  9. Giant Water Bugs - Giant Water Bugs are the member of the insect order, Hemiptera. They can grow up to 4.7 inches. 
  10. Queen Alexandra's Bird Wings - It is also among the largest insects on the earth and was discovered in 1906. It is also the world's largest Butterfly.