Simple Way to Do Tadasana In Mountain Pose & It's benefits


Doing Yoga is a good habit. We all should start doing yoga. There are so many yoga poses for beginners. They are easy to do but the benefits are many and mountain pose is one of them. In this article, I am sharing some simple steps of mountain pose and also its benefits.


1. Stand parallelly keeping a few inches gap between your legs.

2. Spread your toes and lift them then gently come back to your first position. 

3. Then lift your sternum towards the ceiling by widening your collarbones. 

4. After that, slowly bent down your shoulders and let the arms relax hanging naturally.

5. Next, balance this position as much as you can. Then rise your head towards the ceiling.

6. Lastly, Holding yourself in this position just take a few breaths and rest. And then start again.

Mountain pose helps to strengthen your legs. Makes you ready for other poses where you could need a more strong core. And most importantly this pose will improve your concentration and focus.

There are many variants of mountain pose. So keep learning and make yourself healthier.