Things About Anulom Vilom Pranayama That You Should Know.


Anulom Vilom Pranayama is not just a breathing exercise, instead it is a noteworthy yoga technique. This helps in balancing the energies flowing through the Ida and Pingala nadis. It also helps to purify the entire nervous system. Healing and bringing the mental calm, peace and tranquility.

This is an ancient practice which helps in the strengthening of the mind and complete relaxation. The whole body is prepared for meditation. This exercise is the best as it can be done as per our comfort zone. From our home or even the office chair.

The sequence of steps are:

  1. First, we have to sit in the meditative posture either in Sukhasana, Padmasana, etc.
  2. The position of our spine should be upright.
  3. Keep the left nostril blocked and release the right nostril and then vice versa. Exhale and then inhale for two seconds.
  4. Start the cycle again from the other nostril and repeat for a maximum of 10 rounds.

The benefits of Anulom Vilom Pranayama are:

  1. This exercise is a great boon to relieve depression, stress and anxiety.
  2. This is very useful in treating respiratory disorders such as asthma, bronchitis, etc.
  3. It also helps in overcoming negative thoughts. It is also beneficial to reduce anger, forgetfulness, uneasiness and frustrations.
  4. Concentration, patience, focus, decision making ability increases if we practice this daily.