Benefits of Eating Raw Onions 


Are you an onion fan? Iwasn't a raw onion fan. Like, Ialways enjoyed cooked onion in my vegetables or some sandwiches but when I got to know about the benefits of eating raw onion, I starting eating it with my meals and I would see it. If I have somrthing I don't like in my meal, I take some onion and it balances it out. Let me tell you about this amazing vegetable

There are various types of onion but three types are found in our country. They are, red, light orange and white. People often prefer onions after cooked because of the strong smell and sharp taste. Some people enjoy the sweet onions in their salads. Eating raw onions can help you fight infections, bacteria low blood pressure and much more.

Let me tell you about the advantages of eating raw onions. 

  • Low cholestrol and protects the heart. By adding raw onions to your meal you can regulate your cholestrol and keep your heart healthy
  • Improves digestion. Onions have pre-biotic like inulin that improves digestion. Pre-biotic helps the body absorb calcium, minerals and potassium. It makes the bones strong. 
  • Healthy hair and skin. Onions also help in improving hair quality and adding glow to your skin. 
  • Pregnant women must eat raw onions as it controls allergies, swellings and other such problems. 

So these were some benefits of eating raw onions. The list doesn't end here, I can go on but I would like you guys to try and test it for yourself.