Top 10 Health Benefits Of Climbing Stairs


Here are the top 10 health benefits of Climbing stairs:

1. Cardiovascular Health

It is a cardiac exercise. In this exercise, the heartbeat increases and the demand for O2 also increases, resulting in cardiovascular fitness. If this exercise is done within short intervals, it can improve cardiorespiratory health.

2. Weight Management

As you are performing the exercise it will burn calories helping in lose weight. This exercise also helps in reducing the risk of chronic illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, and colon cancer and also helps in gaining better immunity.

3. Increases Leg Strength

This activity includes every lower body muscle. It trains your calves, hamstrings, quads, and glutens and helps you to achieve well well-toned lower body. It helps strengthen your legs and makes you perform better at sprinting, heavy lifting, rowing, and cycling.

4. Improves Bone and Joint Health

Climbing stairs daily helps in strengthening joints and improving skeletal muscles. 

5. Improves Mood and mental Health

 It helps you to reduce stress and anxiety and avoids mood swings. This is possible as climbing stairs releases endorphin hormones nicknamed happy hormones and also releases dopamine hormones.

6. Convenience and Accessibility

If you have a tight budget and don't want to spend money on the gym then this exercise is very effective in helping you stay fit at home. you can use the stairs at home or if you don't have stairs then you can go to the park and find some stairs and do it.

7. Time Efficient

It is a very time-efficient workout that only takes 15 to 30 minutes. If you have a tightly packed schedule then this exercise will save you a lot of time and will keep you fit.

8. Social Interaction

While doing exercises you will lot more people passing by or doing the same exercise. While you meet them every day it will initiate a conversation with them enhancing your communication skills

9. Impact on Environment

As you use stairs every day in your apartment you can save electricity by not using lifts, or you can use stairs in work workplaces, educational places, or malls to reduce resource consumption.

10. Cognitive Function

This exercise also helps in reducing Cognitive functions.