What Are DHT Blockers? What Are Their Side Effects?


In today's lexicon, abbreviations abound — LOL, IMHO, NBD, WTF, and countless others. However, one acronym you may not be so familiar with is DHT.

DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone, and if you're concerned about hair loss, you probably know that DHT is no ally to your hair.

Enter DHT blockers — treatments designed to either reduce DHT levels in your body or counter its effects on the scalp.

But not all DHT blockers are created equal. While some boast robust scientific support, others lack substantial evidence. In essence, the quality and effectiveness of DHT blockers can vary significantly.

Our mission is to guide you through this terminology and the array of options to help you find "HLP" (hair loss peace) — yes, we coined that term. So, let's delve into the details:

-What is the role of DHT in causing hair loss?

-What is the mechanism by which DHT blockers address concerns like male pattern baldness?

-Which hair loss treatments involving DHT blockers are considered effective and worthwhile?

- Which are best avoided

In summary, this is the complete narrative.

Understanding DHT:

In the realm of hair health, DHT operates like a shadowy figure lurking amidst your hair follicles. It takes center stage in the narrative of male pattern hair loss, where its actions involve binding to receptors on your scalp and causing harm to those precious hair follicles. Over time, this nefarious activity leads to a cascade of hair-related woes, including a receding hairline, hair thinning, and even severe hair loss.


DHT, formally known as dihydrotestosterone, belongs to the androgen class, specifically the most potent androgen produced by your body. This male sex hormone emerges as a byproduct of testosterone, brought into existence through the enzymatic influence of 5-alpha-reductase.


Much like its androgen counterparts, DHT plays an integral role in shaping your masculinity during various phases of your life. In the developmental stages of fetal growth, it assumes a pivotal role in crafting your male genitalia. As you progress through childhood and puberty, DHT takes charge of vital masculine attributes such as body and facial hair, deepening of the voice, and other defining characteristics.


The Dark Side of DHT: Hair Loss in Men:

Source image: https://www.hairmd.com

Regrettably, not all aspects of DHT's influence are desirable, akin to how one may not relish spicy food repercussions the following day. Post-puberty, DHT embarks on a less favorable journey, assuming the role of a hairline antagonist.


When DHT adheres to receptors on hair follicles, it instigates a process termed "miniaturization." In this transformation, the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle progressively shortens. Consequently, hair strands undergo a reduction in thickness and length.


Over time, as each hair follicle experiences a truncated anagen phase, newly produced hairs dwindle to such diminutive proportions that they are unable to breach the skin's surface, mirroring the fate of seeds planted during a third-grade science experiment that never sprouted.

This form of hair loss, recognized as androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness, often commences with subtle thinning around the hairline. Over the course of years or even decades, it may extend its grasp to the crown, eventually resulting in extensive hair loss across the majority of the scalp.

Sensitivity to DHT's effects is not uniform among all individuals, accounting for the diverse outcomes observed, ranging from early-onset baldness to the preservation of a full head of hair well into advanced age.

Researchers posit that men grappling with androgenetic alopecia typically exhibit elevated levels of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, responsible for the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Additionally, there appears to be an increased level of androgen receptor activity in the scalp, further fueling the hair loss process.

For those keen on delving deeper into this subject, our comprehensive guide on DHT and male pattern baldness offers an in-depth exploration of DHT's nature and its profound impact on hair follicles.

Do DHT Blockers Actually Work?

So, do DHT blockers genuinely deliver results? The response to this inquiry predominantly hinges on how you define “effectiveness."

DHT blockers can be effective in managing male pattern baldness, but their success varies depending on individual expectations and the specific blocker chosen. It's important to understand that DHT blockers do not provide miraculous, instant results like hair transplant surgery. Instead, they can help slow down or partially reverse hair loss over time, particularly when supported by high-quality scientific evidence.

What Are the Best DHT Blockers?

As previously mentioned, DHT blockers do not share equal effectiveness. These hair loss treatments lack consistent support from substantial scientific evidence.

Among the array of DHT blockers accessible, finasteride stands as the most formidable option. It carries FDA approval, substantial research validation, and is easily obtainable following consultation with a healthcare provider.

On the contrary, over-the-counter products such as shampoos, conditioners, and supplements operate through distinct mechanisms and offer differing levels of efficacy.

Read on to learn more about these options.


Source image: https://www.happyhead.com

Finasteride, a medication that inhibits DHT production, stands out as a top choice, backed by FDA approval and extensive research. Other over-the-counter options like DHT-blocking shampoos and conditioners work differently and may offer varying levels of effectiveness. The key to achieving desired results lies in realistic expectations and selecting the most suitable DHT blocker based on individual needs and preferences.

Finasteride falls into the category of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, working its magic by mitigating the influence of the 5α-reductase enzyme responsible for transforming testosterone into DHT.

Source Image: https://www.starhealth.in

While the brand name Propecia often stands in for finasteride, it's crucial to understand that its hair growth effects aren't instantaneous. Patience is key, as it may take six to twelve months of consistent use before noticeable enhancements in hair thickness, density, and coverage surface. Yet, during this timeframe, significant transformations are unfolding beneath your scalp:

1. Process: Finasteride operates by directly blocking DHT production at its source, resulting in a remarkable reduction of DHT capable of binding to receptors on your scalp and other body parts. Research underpins this mechanism, showcasing finasteride's ability to slash DHT levels in blood serum by up to 70%.

2. Effect: Thanks to its impact on DHT, finasteride boasts impressive effectiveness in slowing down, halting, and potentially reversing hair loss stemming from male pattern baldness.

3. Results:A study featured in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology during the late 1990s revealed compelling evidence. Men grappling with pattern hair loss experienced clinically significant hair count improvements, particularly around the crown area.

4. Better Hair Growth: A more recent Japanese study painted an even brighter picture, with over 91 percent of men using finasteride for male pattern baldness reporting notable hair growth improvements.

Fun tidbit: Although topical finasteride hasn't yet received FDA approval, it has exhibited promise in various clinical studies.

Obtaining finasteride is straightforward. We offer oral finasteride online, contingent on a consultation with a licensed healthcare professional who will assess its suitability for your needs.

DHT-Blocking Shampoos and Supplements 

While finasteride tackles DHT at its source, alternative DHT-blocking agents operate locally, specifically at the follicle level, shielding hair follicles from DHT-induced damage on the scalp. However, it's essential to note that the scientific support for their effectiveness is not as robust as that for finasteride.

Over-the-counter DHT-blocking shampoos are readily available, containing active ingredients designed to counteract DHT's effects on your scalp and hair follicles. Various active ingredients have emerged as potential DHT disruptors, making them popular choices in these shampoos:

1. Ketoconazole: Originally an antifungal medication for conditions like athlete's foot, ketoconazole is also known for inhibiting 5α-reductase, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into DHT. Research suggests that ketoconazole shampoo can boost hair density and encourage hair follicles to enter the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle.

2. Saw Palmetto: Derived from the Serenoa repens palm, saw palmetto is a favored natural ingredient. Studies have indicated its potential to reduce DHT levels in prostate tissue when taken as a supplement. It has also shown promise in enhancing hair growth for men dealing with pattern hair loss, featured in our hair thickening shampoo aimed at countering DHT and enhancing volume and moisture.

3. Pumpkin Seed Oil: This natural product has been linked to improved hair growth. In tandem with saw palmetto, research suggests that pumpkin seed oil might impede prostate growth, often attributed to elevated DHT levels. Furthermore, it appears that pumpkin seed oil supplements can promote hair growth in men experiencing male pattern baldness.

It's generally recommended to combine hair loss prevention shampoo with finasteride rather than relying solely on shampoo as a standalone hair loss treatment. For a more comprehensive understanding of how a hair loss shampoo can complement your hair care routine, our guide to DHT-blocking shampoos provides valuable insights.

Unpacking the Side Effects of DHT Blockers

DHT blockers are generally safe and effective for most men, with no need to worry about unusual DHT blocker side effects, such as the infamous "hairy palms" from shampoo use. However, some DHT-blocking medications may lead to other side effects, particularly of a sexual nature.

The most common side effects associated with finasteride include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), and ejaculation issues, often involving a reduction in semen volume. Notably, these side effects affect only a small percentage of finasteride users, with clinical trial data indicating that erectile dysfunction, the most widely publicized side effect, occurred in only 1.3 percent of men using the standard 1mg dose.

Side effects linked to DHT blockers used in hair loss prevention shampoos are similarly rare, though some ingredients may cause minor issues like irritation, dry or itchy skin.

If you encounter any side effects while using finasteride or a topical DHT blocker, it's crucial to inform your healthcare provider.

Additional Treatments to Complement DHT Blockers

Finasteride, while advantageous, isn't a standalone solution. Like a multi-pronged approach to address your aunt's geriatric cat's needs, you'll benefit from multiple medications in your daily hair care routine.

Although DHT is the primary culprit behind male pattern baldness, effective hair loss prevention encompasses more than DHT blocking. Other treatments can help minimize shedding and foster hair growth by:

- Transitioning hairs into the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle

- Enhancing blood circulation

- Providing essential nutrients for hair strength, length, and density

In conjunction with the aforementioned DHT blockers, consider incorporating the following treatments into your hair loss prevention regimen:

1. Minoxidil: A potent player in the realm of hair growth, minoxidil, available as a topical or oral medication, propels hairs into the anagen phase by increasing scalp blood flow, fostering hair growth on your head. Research reveals that, especially when combined with finasteride, minoxidil proves highly effective in treating male pattern baldness.

2. Biotin Supplements: Who can resist a good vitamin in their treatment arsenal? Biotin, or vitamin B7, is a water-soluble nutrient found in select foods and serves as a vital building block for robust hair, sturdy nails, and radiant skin. While the overall research on biotin's efficacy as a hair growth supplement remains mixed, some studies suggest that biotin-containing supplements can offer benefits, especially when administered to individuals deficient in biotin.

Navigating Hair Loss with DHT Blockers

Male pattern baldness, fueled by escalating DHT levels, can silently creep up on you, akin to the unnoticed perils of global warming. Recognizing the early signs of balding is imperative if you wish to take action.

Efficiently employed, DHT blockers like finasteride and our Hair Thickening Shampoo can decelerate or halt androgenic hair loss. In numerous instances, they may even promote growth, enabling you to maintain a voluminous head of hair well into your 40s, 50s, and beyond. Nevertheless, not all DHT blockers are created equal.

Conduct thorough research if you've observed symptoms of DHT-related hair loss and are eager to take proactive measures. Our comprehensive selection of hair loss treatments online can guide you toward a solution. Remember, the issue won't resolve itself; when DHT starts spiraling out of control, it's time to summon the bouncer. For an in-depth exploration of finasteride's role in slowing down, stopping, and reversing hair loss, refer to our complete guide for men.