Solar Inverter – A Major Component


  Why is Solar Inverter Known as the Heart of a Solar Energy System?

Solar power systems have become a reliable source of electrical energy in many households. A large contribution to this reliability is made by solar inverters. In fact, a solar inverter plays such a substantial role that it is also known as the heart of a solar energy system.

If you’re thinking of getting a solar energy system or an individual solar inverter, this guide is right for you. Below, we have discussed the key functions of a solar inverter and why one should include it in their solar energy system.

Check any manual or basic guide on solar energy systems, and you’ll surely find the name of a solar inverter. Here is a list of some reasons why a solar inverter is considered a major component of the solar energy system:

  • Converters DC to AC: Solar inverters generate electric energy in the form of Direct current or DC. But the majority of electrical appliances consume electric energy only in the form of Alternate current or AC. A solar inverter converts DC power into AC power and makes the electrical energy usable for general electric appliances. 
  • Helps in Power Control: A solar inverter is capable of controlling the amount of power that gets sent either to the electrical grid or to charge backup batteries. Along with controlling the amount, a solar inverter also makes sure that the power is getting delivered to the right parts. 
  • Efficiency Maximization: If you want to get the most value out of your solar energy system, you need to make sure that it is working at the maximum efficiency. A solar inverter can help a solar energy system achieve maximum efficiency by adjusting the output according to the amount of power generated.

  • System Protection: The most common problems that occur in solar energy systems are overloading and overcharging. A solar inverter makes the solar energy system safe and reliable to use for consumers by protecting it from overloading, overcharging, and other similar hazards. 
  • Performance Monitoring: A solar inverter helps you save money and optimize the usable energy by providing you with real-time data on energy generated by the solar panels. Trusted brands such as Luminous sell solar inverters that come with LED panels to show inverter performance and multiple data points. 
  • Reduce Dependency on Conventional Energy Sources: Solar energy systems without inverters depend on the grid during outages. But if you connect the system with a solar inverter, you can rely on the backup energy and reduce your dependency on fossil-fuel based electric energy. 
  • Enables Net Metering: Consumers can contribute power back to the grid if they generate more electricity than what they use. A solar inverter can enable net metering and helps consumers generate some extra power in order to save money on their electric power bills.  
  • Increases Durability: Solar inverter is one of the most reliable components of solar energy systems. By preventing overloading or overcharging from happening, it also increases the durability of the solar energy system. 


A solar inverter is a key component of every solar energy system. It maximizes efficiency, helps in system protection, monitoring performance, and much more. If you are planning to get a solar energy system for your home or office, you should definitely consider buying a solar inverter that helps you run the whole system safely and smoothly.

For robust solar inverter technology, you can head to Luminous’ official website. The brand offers a range of solar energy solutions, such as solar inverters, solar panels, and more.