What Is The Full Form Of CCR? Read to find out!

Discover the complete expansion of CCR by reading below.

CCR - Centralized Clinical Repository: It is a system that stores clinical trial data and facilitates data sharing between various parties involved in the trial.

CCR - Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement: It is an international agreement that establishes mutual recognition of IT security certifications among participating countries.

CCR - Carbon Capture and Removal:

It refers to the process of capturing and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, typically through technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) or direct air capture (DAC).

CCR - Consistent Codification of Regulations: It refers to a standardized system of regulatory codes used by government agencies to manage and enforce regulations.

CCR - Credit Card Reader:

It is a device used to read information from a credit or debit card to process payments.

CCR - Customer Controlled Routing: It is a feature in call center software that allows customers to choose the department or agent they wish to speak to.

CCR - Closed Captioning and Reporting: It is a system that provides subtitles or captions for audio and video content to improve accessibility for viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing.

CCR - Compact Cassette Recorder: It is a type of audio recording device that uses magnetic tape to record and play back audio.

CCR - Customer Care Representative: It is a person who handles customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests on behalf of a company.

CCR - Command and Control Room: It is a facility used by emergency services or military personnel to monitor and coordinate operations.

CCR - Community Choice Aggregation: It is a system in which local governments procure and distribute electricity on behalf of their residents, typically from renewable sources.

CCR - Continuing Care Retirement: It is a type of retirement community that provides a range of housing options and healthcare services to seniors.

CCR - Code of Civil Regulations:

It is a compilation of federal regulations that govern various aspects of American society, such as business, environment, and public health.

CCR - Comprehensive Cancer Center: It is a specialized medical facility that offers a wide range of cancer treatment and support services.

CCR - Condition Code Reporting: It is a system used in healthcare billing to report additional information about a patient's condition or treatment to insurance providers.


CCR Full Form Table

Full Form Category
Counterfeit Currency Report Banking
Call Connect Reliability Computer and Networking
Comparison Category Rating Computer and Networking
Cost-to-charge Ratio Healthcare
Customer Controlled Reconfiguration Telecommunication
CHINCHURIA Indian Railway Station
Continuous Catalyst Re-generation Chemistry
Circle Computer Resources Accounts and Finance
Contractor Change Request Space Science
Control Center Rack Space Science
Corner Cube Retroflector Space Science
Configuration Change Request Space Science
Customer Care Representative Job Title
Concord (ca) Airport Code
Continuing Certification Requirements Certifications
Certified Collegiate Retailer Certifications
Compound Condition Routine Computer Assembly Language
Condition Code Register Computer Assembly Language