Top 10 Greatest Women in Sports in India

Women in Sports: Overcoming Barriers and Inspiring Generations in India


Women are the foundation of both families and society at large. They are exceptional achievers, playing pivotal roles in empowering communities. Despite being underestimated and their abilities often overshadowed by men, women continually strive to excel. Historically, women in India, as in many parts of the world, have faced significant challenges in pursuing their dreams and careers, including in sports. In this blog, we explore the vital contributions of women to sports in India and highlight the inspiring journeys of several female athletes.

The Role of Women in Sports in India

Female athletes have earned a respected place in society by taking on numerous roles beyond traditional expectations. Their hard work and passion have garnered them recognition and respect, and society's view of women has evolved. Women are now seen as admirable figures who inspire others to achieve their best. This remarkable progress is a testament to their dedication and determination.

Legendary Women in Indian Sports

Sports unite people globally, and this includes women athletes who have become role models, inspiring younger generations to pursue their dreams. Despite facing numerous challenges and often being overshadowed by their male counterparts, women in sports have persevered. They have achieved recognition for their outstanding performances and have proven themselves as game-changers. Notable Indian female athletes like Sania Mirza, Mary Kom, Mithali Raj, PV Sindhu, Saina Nehwal, and Rani Rampal have made the nation proud with their achievements in various sports. These women have broken through the male-dominated sports sphere, and their numbers and success continue to grow.

History of Women in Sports in India

The history of women's sports in India dates back to the 19th century when upper-class women engaged in sports like horseback riding, archery, skiing, tennis, golf, and skating. Women first participated in the modern Olympic Games in 1900. Initially, only a few women competed, and they were limited to sports deemed "feminine." Over time, women's participation in sports has grown, but disparities in facilities and opportunities between genders persist.

Challenges Faced by Female Athletes in India

Gender equality remains a significant issue in Indian society, affecting various aspects of life, including sports. Female athletes often face sexism and are judged more harshly than their male counterparts. One major challenge is the significant pay gap, with women athletes earning considerably less than men. Women in sports also face commodification and scrutiny, both on and off the field. Despite these obstacles, many female athletes continue to strive for excellence and make history.

Prominent Female Athletes in India

Here are some of the most notable female athletes in India:

  1. PV Sindhu (Badminton)

  2. Saina Nehwal (Badminton)

  3. Sania Mirza (Tennis)

  4. Mary Kom (Boxing)

  5. Deepika Kumari (Archery)

  6. Mithali Raj (Cricket)

  7. Dipa Karmakar (Gymnastics)

  8. Sakshi Malik (Wrestling)

  9. Tania Sachdev (Chess)

  10. Rani Rampal (Hockey)

Struggles and Triumphs

Women have faced centuries of oppression and have often been viewed as inferior. Despite this, they have fought to overcome societal norms and have made significant strides in various fields, including sports. Their perseverance and hard work have paid off, allowing them to achieve remarkable success and inspire future generations.


What is the role of women in sports?

  • Participation in sports helps women develop essential skills such as self-confidence, leadership, and teamwork, benefiting their personal and professional lives.

What is gender equality in sports?

  • Gender equality in sports involves breaking harmful stereotypes that discourage women from participating and ensuring equal opportunities and treatment for all genders.

Why should girls play sports?

  • Playing sports boosts self-confidence, instills discipline, enhances leadership qualities, promotes problem-solving skills, and fosters teamwork and resilience.

Who are some famous female athletes in India?

  • Notable Indian female athletes include PV Sindhu, Smriti Mandhana, Saina Nehwal, Harmanpreet Kaur, Sania Mirza, Mary Kom, Deepika Kumari, Mithali Raj, Dipa Karmakar, and Lovlina Borgohain.

What challenges have women in Indian sports historically faced?

  • Women in Indian sports have historically faced challenges such as limited access to resources, fewer opportunities, gender bias, and societal stereotypes that discourage their participation.