Top 10 Karma Powerful Bhagavad Gita Quotes In 2024


The concept of Karma is a fundamental philosophical principle of the Bhagavad Gita, and its influence on Hinduism is so noteworthy that it’s considered the cornerstone of ethics in society.

The Bhagavad Gita is a piece of writing starting in India that is portion of the epic sonnet “Mahabharata”. It is essentially studied as a exchange between the respectable warrior Arjuna, and the Preeminent God Master Krishna.

The Gita covers subjects such as; Self-Realization, The Nature Of Reality, Dharma (obligation), Karma, Adore & Yoga.

In this article we have accumulated our favorite Karma Bhagavad Gita cites interpreted from Sanskrit into English.

1. "You are free to labor as you see fit, but never to its fruits."

2. “For those who wish to climb the mountain of otherworldly mindfulness, the way is sacrificial labor. For those who have achieved the summit of union with the Master, the way is stillness, peace, and sacrificial work.”

3. “Let the thinking strategy reside in the action rather than the situation. Be not one whose rationale for activity is the trust of reward.”

4. “No one ought to spurn obligations since he sees surrenders in them. Each activity, each action, is encompassed by absconds as a fire is encompassed by smoke.”

5. “A individual who is substance with the pick up comes actually by his will, who is free from all clashes and does not envy anybody, who remains steady in victory and disappointment, is not bound by karma.”

6. “If you do karma with caring activity, at that point you will be able to free yourself from the subjugation of desires.”

7. “There is no harmed, and no resultant distortion though performing karma, but in fact a little effort of this conciliatory movement guarantees us from the magnificent danger.”

8. “Seek asylum in desireless activity with poise of mind.”

9. “Be consistent and settled in Yoga and proceed doing (great) activity, O Arjuna! Revoke connection and keep up poise in both victory and disappointment! Yoga is essentially consistent quality of mind.”

10. “Every exercise is carried out by the three fabric nature modes. But in obliviousness, the soul, misled by wrong recognizable proof with the body, considers of itself as the doer.”