Top 10 Most Famous Paintings In Art History Ever Till 2022


It's not easy to rank the most famous paintings of great artists. But today we are taking this risk so let's start!!!

Top 10 Most Famous Paintings In Art History

1. Monalisa

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We all have seen this famous painting. Monalisa was painted between 1503 and 1517 by Leonardo Da Vinci.

2. Girl with a Pearl Earring

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This was painted in 1665 by Johannes Vermeer. As you can see in this pic there is a modern girl almost looking like a photograph.

3. The Birth of Venus

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This was the first full-length, non-religious nude painting. The Birth of Venus was painted between 1484 to 1486 by Sandro Botticelli.

4. The Arnolfini Portrait

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This is one of the most dedicated works during the Northern Renaissance and this is also one of the first paintings using oils.

5. Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1

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This was painted by James Abbott McNeill Whistler in the year of 1871 in his London studio.

6. The Kiss

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Gustav Klimt painted this beautiful picture between 1907 to 1908. 

7. The Starry Night

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This is one of the most popular paintings of Vincent van Gogh. This was painted in 1889 at the asylum in Saint-Remy.

8. The Garden of Earthy Delights

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Hieronymus Bosch showed us that he believed that somewhere there are Hell and Heaven are presents where God and Devils are living. This was painted between 1503 to 1515.

9. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

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This is an ur-canvas of 20th-century art by Pablo Picasso. This was painted in 1907.

10. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

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This is one of the masterpieces drawn by George Seurat between 1884 to 1886.