How To Shave Your Face At Home

Wondering how to shave your face all by yourself at home? Health & Wellness Expert - Neeharika Awasthi tells you how!

Wondering how to do derma planing ie shaving your face all by yourself at home? Health & Wellness Expert – Neeharika Awasthi tells you how!

Derma planing aka ‘shaving’ is another new DIY that everyone is trying and getting benefits from it. The term ‘dermaplaning’ came from a exfoliating therapy done under supervision of experts. But the good thing is it can be done by your own with the help of some affordable tools. Here is why you should do it and how you can perform it like a pro.

Myth That Shaving Increases Hair Growth & Thickens The Hair Texture

Our Indian elders and have been telling us to believe that ‘don’t shave your face! shaving makes the hair grow back thicker’ .The truth is women all-around the world have been shaving their faces since decades and they personally never experienced thicker hair growth. It’s been proven by dermatologists that shaving our face does good more than bad. The reason why you feel your hair grows hard is an illusion because your existing hair follicle has a conical thin end and you are cutting through the shaft which is the thickest part. As a result hair grows from hair cell inside hair follicle and not from tip of shaved hair. The hair growth you see is your original hair growth which was inside your skin and shaving does nothing extra to increase the diameter of your hair!

Why You Should Shave Your Face?

Shaving is known to remove peach fuzz from face. It makes a smoother base and canvas for the application of makeup, it makes our skin look clearer and yes it makes our skin appear a little brighter when hair is removed from face. But apart from External temporary benefits it does wonders for long term skin benefits. Its a form of exfoliation which helps in penetrating skin care products. It removes dead skin by scraping off the top layer of your skin. Dermaplaning also has mild anti ageing benefits too. When you scrape off the top layer of skin, your skin reacts by regulating some growth factors like fibroblasts and vascular, which leads to stimulation of collagen production. As a result it improves skin quality and reduces wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Shaving also removes black heads.

When Not To Shave?

Don’t shave on active acne, burnt, cut or damaged skin because if you will scrape off skin from top of acne or existing wound you will only spread bacterial infection and that can lead to further skin infections like pore inflammation and more acne. Wait for your skin to heal and clear off and then only you can try dermaplaning at home. Also if you have PCOS, PCOD or any hormonal issue which is already triggering thick hair growth, its not recommended to shave on such skin.

Which Tool To Use For Shaving?

You don’t need any fancy dermabrading tool or razor for shaving. Also You can’t use those razors which are meant for men. There are special eyebrow blades used for shaving peach fuzz on your face. You can buy tinkle razors, they are widely loved and preferred by women who shave their face at home. Buy disposable razors which are meant to be used for not more than 2 or three times so that you can maintain a good hygiene. Buy razors with skin-protection stainless steel which are made for women’s delicate and sensitive skin.

Skincare Measure Before Shaving

We wouldn’t suggest you to use men’s razors for shaving

Wash your face and pat it dry. It’s recommended to shave on a clean dry bare face with nothing on it so that it helps focusing on tiny peach fuzz and dead skin. But if your skin is sensitive and acne prone you can use Aloe Vera gel mixed with one or two drops of tea tree oil. Some people use coconut or jojoba oil to create a smooth base it helps them glide their razor smoothly and prevents cuts from razor.

How To Use A Razor

Hold the razor at a 45 degree angle. Holding it straight can lead to more pressure, which can result in cuts

Hold the razor in a 45 degree angle, using it straight will cause more pressure that can lead to cutting your skin. Use a very light hand and perform shaving very steadily and carefully. Use downward strokes along the direction of your hair growth, using it in opposite direction is not recommended as it applies more pressure. Don’t drag the razor in a long straight line to cover a large area! Use 3-4 strokes in a small area and move forward as you cover small area at once. Hold your skin while shaving, it will help in creating focus and stretching skin will prevent further cuts and injuries. Keep rinsing razor while shaving as it get covered with dead skin and excess hair. When you finish off with shaving, rinse your razor finally with water and then wipe it with any antibacterial liquid like rubbing 75% concentrated alcohol to disinfect your tool, wipe it with a dry tissue and cover the blade with any external cap or with a cap provided with your razor. Don’t use the same eyebrow razor for more than 3-4 times.

Post Skin Care Measures

Rinse your face with just water to remove all chopped extra hair and dead skin. Apply some light moisturiser and your regular skin routine. It’s recommended that active ingredients like retinol penetrates deep after dermaplaning. Avoid acids like glycolic, lactic acid or any strong essential oils as the concentration can trigger and make your skin get a little burning sensation. Using Aloe Vera gel will calm your skin after shaving. Don’t use any home remedies like lemon or any DIY mask as home remedies are very harsh for a bare and freshly exfoliated skin it may lead to reactions.