Top Indoor Plants you can Grow in your House in India

Indoor Plant

In metro cities, it is rare to see a vegetable garden of one’s own. But bringing green home is not impossible.

Here are some plants which you can grow indoors:

  1. Areca Palm

This plant does not need direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will turn the leaves yellow. It can grow as high as 30 feet if placed outdoors. The plant is useful in filtering xylene and toluene from the air. Water it daily to keep the soil moist.

  1. English Ivy

This plant helps in reducing airborne fecal matter particles. It needs bright light to look fresh and might attract pests. It does not like standing water but water it daily and let the soil dry for some time before watering it again.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is the solution to multiple problems. It can be used to achieve a great complexion. They like to be dry and warm and not wet and cold. A sunny window is the place for aloe vera plant.

  1. Indian Basil

This is popular with name Tulsi and mostly found in every Indian’s home. It is a no maintenance plant and it helps in purifying air and improves air quality. It requires regular sunlight and sunny window is the best place.

  1. Ladies Slipper Orchid

This brings an aesthetic vibe to any dull corner of a house. These orchids have unusual slipper shaped flowers that bloom from between two leaves. Watering these plants require special care.