Blind Item(Bollywood): This Star & Director Had A Huge Fight

As per a source, this actor who is known for his acting chops had a huge fight with a renowned director. The actor in question is dating a superstar known for her drop-dead gorgeous looks. She had worked with the director earlier & probably nudged the director to consider her beau for a role in her upcoming movie. The director & actor in question did consider working together. But for reasons unknown, the actor decided against being part of the movie. This hurt the director's ego no end & they had a huge fight. The director has unfollowed the actor on social media. The actor's GF had to bear the fallout of the fight, as her beau has barred her from speaking to the director. Will the GF listen?
The actor in question became a star post the mammoth success of his war movie. He has since been in the news for dating a bombshell, whose best days are likely behind her. Our sources insist that they might make their relationship public soon & that marriage is on the cards.
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