Blind Item(Hollywood): The Smuggler

Blind Item(Hollywood): The Smuggler

As per a gossip portal, this A-list Hollywood star who has starred in several hits & is known for his acting talent is into some illegal deals. He has tied up with some Central American authorities. His job is to convince young men from Central America that they have found an ideal way to smuggle men into the US. They then charge a moderate fee for the job.But instead of smuggling them into the US, the men are transported to Mexico & other Central American countries. Their passports are taken away & they are forced to work for drug cartels in various jobs. If they ever try to escape, they are killed ruthlessly. 

The A-list celeb gets a fee for every person transported. The A-lister has made tens of millions through these shady deals for arranging transport. 

We think this blind is about a celeb who got married last year.

Can you guess the celeb we are talking about? Please drop a comment with your answers.

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