Bollywood Blind Item: These TV Stars Hooked Up Abroad


As per a source, this south India movie star who became a household name after appearing in a reality show hooked up with a married TV star. They both were participants of a reality show which is a test of the participant's courage. They both hooked up for several nights while shooting for the reality show. But they both knew that it was just a fling. There is no way that the married TV star is leaving his wife. The married TV star has been part of showbiz for more than a decade, having appeared in several TV dramas & reality shows.

The actress mentioned has appeared in several music videos after her stint in a reality show that made her famous. Her announcement regarding her participation in a reality show abroad, just a day after the death of her brother created a furore. Sadly for the actress her stint on the reality show abroad was a short one.

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