Bollywood Blind Item: This Star Kid Too Has Undergone Surgeries Like Her Sister

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We had earlier written about this star kid having undergone several cosmetic procedures thanks to her fixation with a Hollywood-based reality TV star who is a billionaire. A source informed us that as per the latest rumors, her sister too has undergone cosmetic surgeries. There have been rumors of her being launched in a movie along with other star kids, put her family members claimed that they had no idea about any such movie being planned. While anybody who has a look at the latest pics can guess that she has undergone extensive procedures to transform herself, what is unknown is that is she has been dating her high school senior for quite some time. But will this relationship stand the test of time? Star kids are known to dump their high school sweethearts once they achieve stardom or before hooking up with their debut co-stars.

The elder sister too is rumored to be back with her high school sweetheart after dating two actors. The sisters are often trending on social media for their funny videos & are known for their fashion sense. While the younger sis is rather low profile, the elder sis has an overactive PR team that spares no expense - paps are told in advance & paid to cover her gym, salon, restaurant visits. They are rumored to plant stories in major entertainment portals about their client as well. They don't bat an eyelid before accusing us of targeting her for every blind item we post about her either!

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