Top 10 Tips Improve Your English Speaking Skills

10 Tips on How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

English is the world's lingua franca, a common language that people with different native languages can use to communicate. The more fluent you are in English, the more interesting, exciting, and insightful conversations you can have. What's great is you can improve English speaking skills without a classroom partner or stressful lessons. This article will take you beyond the foundational aspects to reach communicative competence.


Build a Strong Foundation

How to Improve English Speaking - Wall Street English

  1. Expand Your Vocabulary: Learning New Words Every Day

Expanding your vocabulary is crucial for effective communication in English. Commit to learning new words daily, even if it's just one word. Over time, this small effort adds up, and in a year, you'll have acquired 365 new English words. You can find words to learn in the news, songs, and TV shows, so adapt your learning to your daily habits. Listening to music is a great way to pick up new vocabulary, as songs often contain useful phrases and expressions.

Additionally, it's beneficial to learn words in phrases and chunks rather than in isolation. For instance, learn phrases like "a glass of wine" or "a cup of tea" instead of individual words like "wine" or "tea." Learning related words together can also enhance your vocabulary retention.

  1. Improve Your Pronunciation

Knowing a vast vocabulary is valuable, but if you can't pronounce words correctly, your efforts might go unnoticed. Make use of online resources like Macmillan and Merriam-Webster with pronunciation guides to ensure you're saying words correctly. YouTube and podcasts like English Pronunciation Pod or American English Pronunciation can offer comprehensive tutorials on American English pronunciation.

Tongue twisters are another effective way to improve pronunciation. They challenge your ability to enunciate difficult sounds and words. Authentic videos, such as sketches from shows like "The Two Ronnies," can be both educational and entertaining, giving you insight into the richness of spoken English.

  1. Learn the Natural Flow of English

Fluency in English isn't just about individual word pronunciation; it's also about the flow of sentences. Pay attention to key elements:

  • Linking: Observe how native speakers link words together, often joining two sounds, making a sound disappear, or altering a sound for smoother flow.
  • Contractions: Familiarize yourself with contractions, which are shortened forms of two words, such as "I'm" for "I am" or "he'll" for "he will."
  • Stress: Recognize stressed syllables in words and stressed words in sentences.
  • Rhythm: Understand the rhythm of English speech, which results from stress, contractions, and linking. This rhythm is like the musical feature of the language.
  1. Build English Speaking Confidence

Confidence is often the biggest hurdle in developing English speaking skills. One effective way to overcome this obstacle is to practice speaking English with strangers. Engage in conversations and interactions, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Confidence comes with practice, and by building a strong foundation in the language, you can overcome your fear of speaking English.

Techniques to Improve English Speaking Skills

Now that you have a strong foundation, apply these techniques to further enhance your English speaking skills.

  1. Speech Shadowing

Speech shadowing involves imitation. Choose a video with subtitles that you enjoy, then listen to it multiple times to grasp the content and flow. Next, imitate the narrator sentence by sentence, aiming to copy the speech pattern as closely as possible. Consistent practice with shadowing will help you sound more like a native speaker.

  1. Self-Talk

Practice speaking English by talking to yourself loudly. You can discuss daily activities or read a book out loud. While this might slow down your reading, it accelerates your speaking skills. Recording yourself and listening for pronunciation errors can be beneficial, and if possible, seek feedback from a native speaker.

  1. Think in English

Thinking in English reduces the need for translation in conversations. Start by maintaining a diary where you express your daily thoughts in English. It doesn't have to be perfect; the goal is to become more comfortable thinking in English.

  1. Retell a Story in English

Challenge yourself by retelling a story, either from your culture or a simple fairy tale, in English. This exercise not only improves your vocabulary but also helps you convey rhetorical and cultural nuances accurately.

Frequently Practice to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

Speaking Events | College of Engineering, Wichita State University

Practice is essential for improvement, even if you don't live in an English-speaking country or have native speakers around you. Here are ways to practice speaking English:

  1. Participate in Public Speaking Events

Many universities, theaters, and cultural societies organize events like open debates, spoken word readings, and improvised storytelling gatherings. These opportunities allow you to interact with like-minded people and practice speaking English. Look for TED or TEDx talks in your city, where you can register to share your ideas and enhance your English skills.

  1. Go to Language Cafes

If public speaking makes you nervous, consider language cafes, which provide a relaxed environment for language exchange. These cafes can be found through local universities or Meetup groups in your city.

  1. Using Apps

Utilize language exchange apps like HelloTalk and Tandem to connect with native English speakers online. These platforms match you with language partners who want to practice your language in exchange for English practice. It's a convenient way to practice speaking from the comfort of your home.

  1. Chat with Siri

Engaging with Siri can help improve your clarity and articulation when speaking English. Since Siri is a machine, you must rely solely on your words to convey your message. This encourages clear and precise speech. Siri is available whenever your phone is charged and connected to Wi-Fi.

In conclusion, improving your English speaking skills involves expanding your vocabulary, refining pronunciation, understanding the natural flow of English, and building confidence. Incorporate techniques like speech shadowing, self-talk, and thinking in English into your routine. Don't miss opportunities to practice speaking, whether at public events, language cafes, or through language exchange apps. With dedication and consistent effort, you can significantly enhance your English speaking abilities. So, get started on your journey to effective communication in English today!