Fact: Jaya Bachchan Cried While Watching Rekha Romance Amitabh Bachchan!

Fact: Jaya Bachchan Cried While Watching Rekha Romance Amitabh Bachchan!

Rekha and Amitabh Bachchan's love affair is known to all. Even if it is a thing of the distant past now, it still feels as recent as yesterday. They were extremely fond of each other and did a couple of films together as well. They looked good on-screen, and fans loved them as a couple. However, as we all know, things changed for the two pretty quickly. Amitabh Bachchan got married to Jaya Bachchan, and that is when and how the Rekha-Amitabh journey ended. 


Interestingly, Rekha still proudly claims the love she had for Big-B and never hesitates in sharing her feelings on camera as well. A lot of things came out to light with Rekha's biography, which goes by the name Rekha: The Untold Story. The book throws light on some of the most controversial incidents of Rekha and Amitabh Bachchan's relationship, apart from other unknown facts about the actress. The book was written by Yasser Usman, who elaborately wrote about the troubled relationship that the two Bollywood megastars shared once upon a time.

Rekha and Amitabh Bachchan

One of the most interesting incidents that Rekha shared herself during an interview was of Jaya Bachchan crying while seeing the chemistry of the two actors on-screen. Rekha talked about this incident in great detail during an interview with Star Dust. She said that the incident took place during the trial show of the film Muqaddar Ka Sikandar. The entire Bachchan family has come for the show and Jaya was sitting in the front row while Big-B and his parents were seated behind her. As for Rekha, she was in the projection room, and thus, she had a clear view of everyone in the audience. She further stated that she clearly saw Jaya Bachchan shed tears during the romantic scenes of her husband with Rekha. 

Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan and Rekha

Even more interestingly, a week after the trial show of the movie, many people from the industry informed Rekha that Amitabh Bachchan would not be working with her any further. The actress further added that everyone gave this news to her, except for Big-B himself. When she questioned Amitabh Bachchan regarding this, he simply stated that he is not going to say anything about it. The actors were then seen together in Silsila, a movie by Yash Chopra, and that was the last time the former love birds were seen together on the big screen.