Top Movies on Netflix India in 2022

Movies are the best source of entertainment. If we have nothing to do, we can just put on a good movie and it is surely the best use of time. OTT Platforms have let audience choose from a wide range of categories. They have something for sure for everyone. They have made people addicted to watching movies and series. Netflix is undoubtedly one of the best film streaming service. They have paradox of choice and it is harder to choose from their never ending list.
Here is a list of some of the top movies in Netflix in 2022:
- Paddleton
The movie was released in 2019. The director of the movie is Alexandre Lehmann and is one the main reasons to watch this movie. The film is comedy and it is also a drama about a fatal disease. It is about bromance and fragile friendship. All this makes Paddleton a great slice of life movie.
- Tell Me Who I Am
The movie is a sad and is directed by Ed Perkins. It is also fascinating and ultimately humanizing of the brother’s experience. A documentary film which is also a mystery.
- I Lost My Body
This is a film about loneliness and not being able to find your way back, both as an immigrant who misses how they were raised and as a hand who misses its body. This movie speaks most beautiful animation work and was premiered at Cannes this year and became the first ever animated film to win the Nespresso Grand Prize.