Top Yoga Poses for Better Digestion


Yoga helps to improve our health in every possible manner. It resolves of our problem of sleep, digestion, weight loss, weight gain and many more. There are many real life cases where people have told they have been completely medication free just because of yoga. With a combination of deep breathing, stretches that target abdominal organs and twists that massage and wring out stuck intestinal toxins. And we all know, we can get more energy with better digestion.

Let’s have a look at some of the yoga poses which can help us for better digestion:

  1. Marjaryasana – Bitilasana (Cat-Cow)

For this pose, we have to bring our hands beneath our shoulders and knees beneath our hips. We have to inhale as we drop our belly button toward the earth and lift our heart and hips to the sky into the cow pose. Exhale as we round our upper back toward the sky, dropping our gaze to our navel and pressing our hands and feet into the earth in cat pose.

  1. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

In this pose, we have to step our right foot forward into a low lunge and then straighten the leg. Then we have to walk our left foot forward 6 inches and turn the foot at a 45 to 60 degree angle to the front of the mat with our heel flat on the earth. We need to hold Utthita Trikonasana for 1 minute and then move to Pavrtta Trikonasana before switching sides.