Blind Item(DNA) – One Condition – 11th July

This superstar will act in the next installment of a hit franchise. But he has one wierd condition. Can you guess the celebs DNA is talking about?
Blind Item(DNA) – One Condition – 11th July

DNA has published a blind item about the reigning superstar’s one condition for starring in the next installment of an uber successful action franchise

Even his flop films make more money than the hit films of many actors. Starring in his movies has proved to be a huge boost for several actors. His movies have been topping the box office charts for a good part of this decade. He truly is a bonafide superstar. The studio in question’s blue eyed superstar – the ex reigning superstar is not going through a great phase at the box office. The other superstar who is part of the ruling triumvirate has already starred in one of the previous installments. Only the reigning superstar can add some flavor to this franchise.

The constant actor in question, is the husband of the ex-gf of the reigning superstar. Many say that this actress was the one true love of this superstar who has a harem full of women at his disposal. The superstar obviously won’t miss an opportunity to hurt his ex-gf’s husband. The reigning superstar is know for being vengeful, especially to the lovers of his ex-gf. He is yet to forgive the ex-bf of his ex-gf who went public with his accusations against the reigning superstar. A popular singer-music director had to ask forgiveness for several years, after which the superstar finally relented.

Blind Item
This superstar in question has been roped in for the next installment of a successful franchise. While he has almost signed on the dotted line, the superstar has one condition that has given the producer nightmares. According to the condition, the superstar is not keen on sharing screen space with one of the actors who has been a part of all the previous installments in the franchise. Given that the superstar has no issues with the actor being a part of the film but he does not want any scenes together with him. This has put the makers of the film in a tight dilemma as the actor is a very important part of the film and it will be difficult to part with either of them.

Our Guess
Superstar: Salman Khan
Actor: Abhishek Bachchan
Franchise: Dhoom

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