Blind Item(Mumbai Mirror) – Troubled Actor – 28th Sept

This troubled actor has demanded a full-length mirror so that he can keep checking himself out. Can you guess the celeb Mumbai Mirror is talking about?
Blind Item(Mumbai Mirror) – Troubled Actor – 28th Sept

Mumbai Mirror has published a blind item about a troubled actor.

There is obviously a coterie working against the actor mentioned in the blind item. How else would you explain the barrage of blind items against him?(click here to read more). But then again, there is no smoke without fire. He needs to learn to behave when around women. While he is doing well professionally, his lewd behaviour might derail his career abruptly.

Bollywood too is on the throes of a #MeToo movement. One ex-actor has gone public with claims of sexual harassment by a senior actor. But sadly none of the female stars have come out in support owing to fear of losing out on roles. Why blame the lecherous Bollywood men, if the women can’t take a firm stand & stand by each other?

Blind Item
THIS troubled (and troublesome) actor just can’t seem to behave himself. Besides hitting on his co-stars, he is also said to have demanded a full-length mirror while shooting a scene in a field, just so he could check his look repeatedly. Plus, we hear that he landed himself in a spot of controversy while stalking one of his costars, and has been advised to give up his cell phone. His phone is now answered by his manager who claims the actor doesn’t use his cell phone any more. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Our Guess:
Troubled Actor: Sushant Singh Rajput