Blind Item(Mumbai Mirror) – Weight Issues – 1st Feb

This actor is in London, trying to get his weight issues resolved. He has tried everything to shed his excess weight, but to no avail. Can you guess the actor Mumbai Mirror is talking about?
Blind Item(Mumbai Mirror) – Weight Issues – 1st Feb

Mumbai Mirror has posted a blind item about an actor’s weight issues
We all suffer from some level of insecurity due to our weight issues. Ordinary citizens go crazy trying to get a body like their favorite celebs. We must admit that it feels good to read that celebs too are suffering from weight issues. While we restrict our food intake & have to run to burn our fat, celebs take the next flight to London.
The actor in question, has been dating the ex-wife of the brother of India’s biggest superstar. They used to hook up even when she was married & he was dating the superstar’s sister. The superstar rescued the actor’s father from financial distress by agreeing to star in two of his movies. Both were super hits. But sonny boy felt no obligation towards the superstar. They are madly in love & have been dating for quite sometime. She left her husband for him. They may make their relationship public after a few years. They won’t do it anytime soon as their fear the hot headed superstar’s wrath.

Blind Item
A chunky actor seems to have serious body image issues. He has made two trips to London in the past month alone, meeting what is now called a ‘health constructor’. It seems the actor has had trouble shedding weight, despite his gruelling gym routines and severe diets. Moreover, he is also knockkneed, a condition that is scientifically called genu valgum, wherein the knees tilt toward each other when standing straight. While we hope the actor gets fitter and healthier soon, but what do we do about his histrionics?

Our Guess:
Actor: Arjun Kapoor