Blind Item(Rajeev Masand) – Price Constraints – 21st Dec

This superstar refused a mini series based on a godman owing to price constraints. Can you guess the celebs Rajeev Masand is talking about?
Blind Item(Rajeev Masand) – Price Constraints – 21st Dec

Rajeev Masand has published a blind item in Open The Magazine about a star who refused to take up a role in a web series owing to price issues.

This actor has quite a lot going on in his life. It is rumored that he & his wife are not on talking terms. But the happy family pics make us wonder whether the rumors are true(click here to read more). He is distraught over the failure of his latest flick. He had sensed that the end product was not good & made his displeasure felt. But the studio boss decided otherwise. As expected the movie turned out to be a huge disappointment.

But if you think the star’s time is running out, then you would be eating your words soon. He is easily the most bankable star in the industry with oodles of talent. He is sure to bounce back with a huge hit soon. We just hope he gets his house in order, literally speaking.

Blind Item

A top male star who’d verbally committed to starring in a mini-series about the relationship between a spiritual guru and his devotee may not end up starring in the show after all. According to sources, the actor was fascinated by the true story of the guru and the impact he seemed to have on this married woman who went on to become his biggest ally. He agreed in principle when a young filmmaker approached him to take the role, but insisted he could only make a firm commitment after the script was ready. It helped that the director had managed to rope in the most sought-after young actress for the other role. The actor was keen to work with her.

But the project reportedly came close to falling apart when the actor quoted a fee so high that it scared off the international streaming giant that will bankroll the show. One learns that the actor is unwilling to budge on his price. The streaming company has asked the writer- director to go ahead and complete the script anyway because it is still interested in the project. Which means there’s a good chance they will try to rope in a different actor to take the lead.

The same streaming company lost another credible artist recently because the producers of a hit series on its platform were unwilling to shell out the big bucks she asked for to star in the second season of the show. The actress, regarded as one of India’s best, was approached for a key role, but the offer was recalled once they discovered she wouldn’t come for a dime. The actress has told friends privately that she liked the part and would’ve taken the job, but expected to be paid a fee that was commensurate with her position. She realised the producers were hoping she’d do it for a pittance since most actors would give an arm or a leg to be on the show. But no, that wasn’t going to work for her.

Our Guess

Top Male Star: Aamir Khan
Young Actress: Alia Bhatt
Mini Series: Based on Osho & Maa Anand Sheela
Filmmaker: Shakun Batra
Streaming Company: Netflix
Show: Sacred Games


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