Guess Who: This Actress Has A Troll Army

A leading tabloid has published a blind item about an actress who has a troll army, which attacks anyone who offends her. Can you guess the celebs?
Guess Who: This Actress Has A Troll Army

A leading tabloid has published a blind item about an actress who has a troll army, which attacks anyone who offends her.

A leading tabloid has published a blind item about an actress who has a troll army. Her troll army attacks anyone whom she handpicks. They also praise her to the skies. The tabloid then mentions how movie stars usually paid only their fan clubs, which included their own hirelings. But this troll army is highly unusual. But then again this actress plays by her own rules.

While this could be about any actress, we are certain who this article is about. We ourselves have been at the receiving end of this actress’ troll army. We wrote an article about her, which didn’t go down well with her fans. They then shared the article among themselves & tweeted to us saying that they would give us a point by point rebuttal & asked us if we are up for it. This was a week back. We are still awaiting their reply. Her troll army was hoping that abusing us & leaving nasty comments will scare us. But we stood our ground. The troll army called us ‘paid media‘, but when questioned with hard facts they had no answer.

Sadly none of these antics have led to success at the box office for the past several years. But her acting prowess had led to a regular stream of work.

But the shrewdest troll army is maintained by the No.1 challenger to the box office crown. They first tweeted about how our article about their boss, was baseless. When they realized that we were in no mood to pull the article down, they sent us videos that showed their boss’s rival – the box office king, in poor light. We gladly tweeted that information as well. They too labeled us as paid media initially.

Can you guess the celebs we are talking about? Please drop a comment or DM us on Instagram/Twitter

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