OI Original: This Superstar Uses CBD Oil To Lose Weight

This superstar uses CBD oil to lose weight As per a source, this superstar has been using CBD oil to
OI Original: This Superstar Uses CBD Oil To Lose Weight

This superstar uses CBD oil to lose weight

As per a source, this superstar has been using CBD oil to lose weight. This superstar is known to binge on food & is unable to control his drinking habits. He was unable to lose weight after gaining several kilos for a superhit movie. A director duo who asked him to lose weight for a thriller franchise was replaced by one of his cronies. Eventually, he started consuming CBD oil which is a banned substance to lose weight.

He is rumored to take steroids for the sake of his muscular physique. The steroid intake is rumored to be the reason behind his loss of ‘manliness‘. We wonder what side-effects the superstar might have to put up with for consuming a banned substance like CBD oil.

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