Sushant’s Three Most Memorable Roles

It has been more than a week since Sushant's death. We list out Sushant's three most memorable roles.
Sushant’s Three Most Memorable Roles

It has been more than a week since Sushant’s death. We list out Sushant’s three most memorable roles.

With around a dozen films to his credit, Sushant was just doing great on work prospect. But since Sunday afternoon, there are only variations of ‘could have’ ‘would have’. With so many good films, he was still figuring out his story. At one point in time, SSR was expected to be the next superstar. But now we are just left with possibilities. So let’s rewind and cherish three movies where he was most memorable.

MS Dhoni

SSR was a great choice to play MS Dhoni. Like Dhoni, Sushant hailed from a small town. Like his onscreen hero, Sushant entered an ecosystem where connections and labels matter. This is why the film’s initial portion, where Dhoni is struggling to find his foothold, burns with insatiable hunger, a hunger that has the desperation of revenge. It’s easily the most affecting portion in a long, unfocused film, which got sporadic shots of life, thanks to SSR, a memorable example of an actor rising above the script.

After the movie, SSR was the new Dhoni for many people. People couldn’t differentiate between the two. SSR worked really hard for the role. He spent almost nine months with Dhoni at his house, so that he could know everything about him.

Kai Po Che!

SSR played the role of a failed cricketer, who later becomes a coach. It was his debut movie. It was a sparkling performance, brimming with confidence, energy and arrogance. The performance hinted to what lay ahead.

Kai Po Che was a multi-starrer; SSR’s Ishaan was clearly the film’s centrepiece. A young man willing to defy his past by moulding a future, training a young boy to become India’s finest cricketer. Unlike his friend, Govind, he isn’t interested in money and plans. He is all moments and exuberance.

In the initial part of the movie, the three friends trek to a rundown fort. A bare-chested, drunk Ishaan stands on the ledge of a wall. An endless stretch of water lies below and an endless sky hangs above. It is simply an amazing movie. Sushant worked hard for the part. He auditioned several times for it.


SSR played the role of Lakhna, a Bundelkhand baghi. A bandit wreaked by guilt, a bandit in search of solace. SSR gave Lakhna a searing intensity and searching look, someone trapped in a prison of questions, often wondering, ‘what is a baghi’s dharma?’ A philosopher lost among dacoits, beset by existentialism in a land where existence needs to be earned. Lakhna, of course, got no answers, but he persisted, looking for one gateway, some redemption, ultimately finding hope in rescuing a young girl, Sonchiriya.

SSR made Lakhna’s journey compelling, offsetting periods of gloom with moments of tomfoolery, delighting the young girl with a magic trick, making a candy disappear from one palm and making it appear on the other. He was a baghi in search of a soul.

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Image source: New Indian Express