The Legend Of Hanuman Season 3 Release Date, Cast, Plot, etc


Many Hindu gods have cartoon representations. There are numerous animated series about Ganesh, Shiva, Krishna, Hanuman, and other deities. Children are most interested in those who are well-known. Those interested in mythology should watch these series and their adaptations.

Many people worship Little Krishna, Bal Ganesh, and other deities. Legend Of Hanuman is yet another one-of-a-kind and enjoyable series for children who are becoming interested in the genre. The series teaches young children a lot of values and discipline. The show was a huge success. There are numerous series about Hanuman that are very interesting.

They are quite young and have already completed two seasons. This show has a high rating on the internet. The show is distinct from others, making it worthwhile to watch. The characters and episodes also depict an intriguing plot.

The Legend Of Hanuman Season 3 Release Date, Cast, Story And Spoilers! -

Release Date

This epic Hanuman legend has already completed two seasons! The first season premiered in 2021 on Disney+ Hotstar. The arrival astonished the audience, who enjoyed the episodes. Children are always looking for new animations to watch, and they enjoyed the series this time. The audience was ecstatic when the second season was released within a few months.

The first season premiered on January 29, 2021. The second one was released a few months later and consisted of 13 episodes. It was released in July, and the audience liked it just as much as they liked the first one. The creators took a long break after the second season, and we have yet to hear anything about the third season.

The show follows a consistent pattern of 13 episodes, each of which lasts 25 minutes. We anticipate that the third will follow the same pattern. The season could return by the end of 2023 or early 2024, according to the producers.

Predicted Story of Hanuman Legend Season 3

The first two seasons of Legend of Hanuman have already aired, and the third is on the way. The third one has yet to be announced, so there is a lot of uncertainty. We can't imagine or predict what the story might be right now. We do know that Lord Shiva has reincarnated as Lord Hanuman and has arrived to assist Ram. Ravan is now awaiting Ram and has prepared for war.

Everything we know is based on the previously existing Ramayan story. The series has been adapted from the original story and will continue in the same manner. We can see the section where Ram has constructed a massive sena for himself using the Hanuman and many other things make it more interesting.


This lovely mythology series is narrated by Rich Ting. Da Man has played the role of Lord Hanuman. Sanket Matre has played the role of Lord Ram. Sharad Kelkar is another narrator in this series. Shakti Singh and Vijay Pushkar play Jambhava and Angad, respectively.

Richard Joel portrays Lakshaman, the man who is always by Ram's side. The roles of Sugreeva and Nil are played by Vikrant Chaturvedi and Amit Deondi, respectively. Surabhi plays the role of Sita. Vibhesan, Akshay, Vayu, and other characters play supporting roles in the story. Shailendra Pandey played the character of Vayu. Other actors who can be seen on the show include Aranya Kaur, Lalit Agarwal, Ajitesh, Toshi Singh, Anamaya Verma, Manish Bhavan, and Arpita Vora.