Why Running Is My Preferred Cardio Workout


Running is probably one of the best cardio workouts. You can either run on the treadmill or at your neighborhood park. If parks are not your thing, you may even consider running on the streets. One can see many people run on the streets early in the morning when the roads are empty or even late at night. I too prefer running on the streets to running on the treadmill or even running in parks. While you have to wait your turn at the treadmills in most gyms & fight space in crowded parks, the streets have no such issues whatsoever.


Also, while you need at least one partner to play any sport, you need not depend on anyone to go for your daily run & stay fit. All you need is a pair of good sneakers & you are good to go.

While I hated cardio & especially running for several years, I recently discovered the joy of running a few years back. Since then, I make it a point to not miss my daily evening runs in the streets of my neighborhood.

I recently bought a new pair of sneakers for my evening runs, after my previous ones tore.

While the expensive sneakers boast of excellent quality, design & comfort, I opted for a less expensive option. I was lucky to get a great deal from an international brand – Hummel.

A pair of black sneakers were available on their site for just INR 1499. I opted for black sneakers as against other colors as they are easier to maintain & because I run on the streets. A white or light-colored sneaker would be a disaster. The shoes arrived within 2-3 days of me placing the order.

I couldn’t wait to unbox the shoes & wear them for my run that very evening. I paired my black sneakers with my black t-shirt & black shorts & voila! I was ready for my run. I generally run for 1 hr daily for 5 days a week. 

I found my new shoes to be very comfortable. It was also a lot lighter than my previous ones. I could sense the increase in my running speed. All the pain I had in my knees was reduced to a great extent after I switched to my new shoes. I was very happy with my buy & would recommend Hummel shoes to everyone who intends to take up running or jogging for their cardio workouts. I would suggest people with flat feet like me buy appropriate soles & insert them in their running shoes to avoid related issues & injuries.