Top 10 Strongest & Most Powerful Pokemon of all time

In this generation, Pokemon has been around for a long time. Currently there are 900 Pokémon species, and to determine which are the strongest and which are the weakest is challenging. When the topic comes to Pokemon, it’s quite evident that we go for the strongest. If you’re someone who is a Pokemon Trainer looking for the most powerful Pokemon, we are here to assist.
Everybody is familiar with Pikachu and Charizard, as they are the most famous and well-liked Pokemon. It’s quite astonishing to learn that there are more powerful Pokemon than them.
Here are the top 10 strongest Pokemon that you would like knowing. So let’s get right into it.
1. Arceus
It doesn’t surprises us when it comes to Arceus topping the list of the most powerful Pokemon.
2. Mewtwo
Mewtwo holds a 2nd position in our list. There’s so much debates upon who’s the strongest Pokemon among Arceus and Mewtwo.
Mewtwo is actually a legendary Pokémon with Psychic abilities.
3. Rayquaza
Rayquaza is considered as a Legendary Pokémon from the Hoenn region that is a Dragon with a Flying type. It does not transform itself into or from any other Pokémon. Rayquaza is estimated to be approximately hundreds of millions of years old.
4. Lugia
Aeroblast was added as a damage-dealing Flying-type ability In Generation II. It is said to be Lugia’s signature move. Lugia is known to be a Pokémon of the flying and psychic types. Lugia has the capability to make the waves stormy or calm.
5. Giratina
Giratina is a Legendary Pokémon of the Ghost/Dragon type. It is the Pokémon Platinum Version Mascot.
6. Zamazenta
Previously, Zamazenta collaborated with a people’s monarch to defend the Galar area. It absorbs metal, which it eventually employs in combat.
7. Zygarde
In Generation VI, Zygarde debuted as a Legendary Pokémon of the Dragon/Ground type. It is a part of the Aura Trio, along with Xerneas and Yveltal.
8. Kyurem
Kyurem is a Legendary Pokémon of the Dragon/Ice type which debuted in Generation V. Along with Reshiram and Zekrom, it is a member of the Tao Trio as well.
9. Eternatus
Eternatus is a Poison/Dragon Pokémon which first appeared in Generation 8.
10. Alakazam
Alakazam is a Psychic-type Pokémon that arises from Kadabra in Generation I. It is said to have 2887 Max CP, 271 Attack, 194 Defense, and 110 Stamina.