Best Ways to Increase White Blood Cells in Your Body

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Our body’s first line of defense against infection is white blood cells. They guard our body from infections by fighting off bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and other foreign invaders. These cells also assist the production of antibodies and help in destroying infectious agents as well as cancer cells. Fluctuations in the number of white blood cells may happen due to several reasons. You might notice a rise in your white blood cell count during exercise, while the count may drop when you are resting. Nevertheless, in few cases, the count may drop abnormally. 
Here in this article we have mentioned 10 best ways to increase white blood cells in your body: 

1. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil is used to cure stress and anxiety and promote sleep. It also boosts the WBC count enhancing your immunity in general.
Essential oils such as sweet almond oil, tea tree oil, and cypress oil also have similar effects in improving the production of white blood cells.

•    20 drops of lavender oil
•    60 mL of any carrier oil (sweet almond or jojoba oil)

1.    At first, add 20 drops of lavender oil to 60 mL of any carrier oil.
2.    Now mix it well and use it to massage your body.

How frequently You Should Do This

Do this once daily.

2. Garlic

Thanks to the presence of allicin, garlic possesses immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties that boost your immunity by stimulating the production of several white blood cells, which include lymphocytes, eosinophils, and macrophages.

1-2 teaspoons of crushed or minced garlic


1.    Add crushed garlic to your favorite dish and consume it daily.
2.    If you can handle the strong flavor of garlic, you can have it raw.

How Frequently You Should Do This

Consume garlic habitually.

3. Spinach

Spinach is a high source of vitamins and minerals. It also has antioxidant properties that can help in increasing the number of white blood cells.


A portion of cooked spinach


1.    Add a portion of cooked spinach to your every day diet.
2.    You can eat spinach directly or add it to your favorite salad or pasta.

How Frequently You Should Do This

Consume spinach every day.

4. Papaya Leaves

Papaya leaves consist acetogenins, which are significant compounds that boost your immunity by increasing WBC count. Papaya leaf juice serves as an outstanding remedy for dengue fever.


•    A bunch of papaya leaves
•    Water (as required)


1.    At first take bunches of washed papaya leaves and blend them.
2.    Then add a little water to the mixture and blend again.
3.    Now strain the mixture and consume one tablespoon of the juice.
4.    You can add a little honey to the mixture if the juice is too bitter.

How Frequently You Should Do This

 Do this 1 to 2 times each day.

5. Vitamins

Vitamins A, C, E, and B9 play a chief role in improving your white blood cell count. Vitamin A plays an unique role in increasing lymphocytes, while vitamin C is known to boost your overall immunity. Vitamin B9 is essential for the production of neutrophils, and vitamin E helps in the production of natural killer cells.
Have foods, like spinach, carrots, cheese, meat, eggs, fish, sweet potato, and citrus fruits. You can also consume vitamin supplements after consulting your doctor.

6. Yogurt

The probiotics in yogurt enhance immunity. They also have stimulating properties that help in increasing WBC count.


A bowl of probiotic yogurt


Consume a bowl of yogurt rich in probiotic.

How Frequently You Should Do This

Do this at least once on a daily basis.

7. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 supplements have immunomodulatory properties that boost your immunity by rising WBC count.


1000 mg of omega-3 supplements

1.    After consulting your doctor, consume 1000 mg of omega-3.
2.    You can even consume fish, like mackerel, sardines, salmon, and other foods like walnuts and avocados to increase your intake of omega-3s.

How Fequently You Should Do This

Take these supplements only once every day.

8. Zinc

Zinc can help in restoring the normal functioning of white blood cells, thus boosting immunity.


8-11 mg of zinc supplements


1.    Consume 8 to 11 mg of zinc supplements after you consult your doctor.
2.    You can also consume foods rich in zinc such as oysters, red meat, beans, and nuts.

How Frequently You Should Do This

Do this each day.

9. Broccoli

The sulforaphane (SFN) in broccoli can help control your white blood cell count and boost your immune system.


A cup of cooked broccoli


1.    Eat a cup of cooked broccoli.
2.    You can sprinkle some salt and eat it directly or include it to your favorite salad.
How Frequently You Should Do This

Do this on a daily basis.

10. Selenium

Dietary intake of selenium has a positive outcome on the production of white blood cells, specially lymphocytes and neutrophils. Selenium moreover enhances your immunity against infections and diseases.


200 mcg of selenium supplement

1.    Take 200 mcg of selenium supplements every day after consulting your physician.
2.    You can also meet your daily selenium necessity by consuming more of tuna, sardines, chicken, and turkey.

How Frequently You Should Do This

Consume the selenium supplement once every day.