Easiest Way to do Halasana


Halasana is a cultural Asana for the forward bending of the spine. This pose should be attempted after getting good spinal flexibility. The starting position of the halasana is very simple: We have to keep the legs straight and hands by their respective sides and our palms should be facing down with normal breathing.

The sequence of steps are:

  1. We have raise both the legs upwards with exhalation in process and continue taking them back beyond the head in a semi circular angle to touch the floor.
  2. The above step should be completed in 3 seconds with exhalation in process.
  3. This position should be maintained for atleast 6 seconds with the exhalation to be stopped.
  4. Then we have to start inhaling in 3 seconds and gently bring the legs back to the starting position.

The benefits of Halasana are:

  1. There is a favourable effect in nervous and digestive system.
  2. The genital organs are gently massaged.
  3. This posture helps in relaxation of spine. It is beneficial in relieving the pressure caused due to improper posture.
  4. Circulation in spinal cord is improved.
  5. Improvement in the tone and activity of internal organs.
  6. The strength of abdominal muscles are increased.
  7. Helps to control hysteria and neurasthenia.
  8. This posture also helps to make the mind alert, promotes a feeling of self confidence and self reliance.