How to do Sarvangasana? What are its benefits?

Sarvangasana Pose

The word ‘ Sarvanga’ means the entire human body. Mostly, it is known as Shoulder Stand Pose. This pose has a favourable effect on entire body and it is highly recommended by the experts to try this posture in parts. After a few weeks of training, try to attempt the complete posture.

The Ardha- Sarvangasana Steps are:

  1. The first step is to exhale. We need to draw our feet close to hips and then fold the legs against the thighs.
  2. Then slowly raise the lower part of the body in vertical position with the support of hands.
  3. We need to balance the entire body weight upon the palms, the elbows, the neck and the back of the head.
  4. Don’t try this pose for more than two minutes. Try to maintain the pose as long as you are convenient.
  5. Take a few deep breaths and then rest for a while.

Recommended practice for Sarvangasana:

  1. Don’t practice this posture for more than two minutes. Practice once.
  2. This posture may be injurious if practiced for more than recommended time. For a longer duration along with other yoga exercise this posture is not recommended.
  3. Do take the support of some back until the perfect balance is secured.

The benefits of Sarvangasana are:

  1. There are favourable changes in the vasomotor ability. There is an increase in interchange of blood in the upper part of the body, especially the neck and the head.
  2. There is a temporary replacement of the abdominal and pelvic viscera.
  3. This posture helps in case of constipation, indigestion, headache, functional disorders of the eye, the ear, the nose and the throat.
  4. This is very effective for increase of blood flow towards brain.
  5. A balance is created between the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems.
  6. The flexibility of cervical spine is improved.
  7. The best benefit from all is that it makes mind alert contributing to self -confidence and self- reliance.